Annual meeting, election slated

The Hardin County Agricultural Society will be holding their Annual Election for Board of Directors on Nov. 5th, 2022, from 3-7pm at the Hardin County Fair Office.  To vote for a director, you need to have purchased a 2022 Fair Membership Ticket.  There are 9 positions open for re-election this year.  Members can vote for 2 director at large candidates and those running are Austin Eibling and Jake McFadden.  Members in Hale Twp. can vote for the directors at large positions and their township director.  Running unopposed is Corey Ledley.  Members in Liberty Twp. can vote for the directors at large positions and their township director.  Running unopposed is Meghan Yoakum.  Members in Pleasant Twp. can vote for the directors at large positions and their township director.  Running unopposed is Christa Rarey.  

There are no candidates running for vacant positions in Taylor Creek, Lynn, Buck or Jackson Townships.  If someone is still interested in being a director and didn’t want to run for an elected period, you can submit a letter of interest to the Hardin County Ag. Society.  The current board can appoint any person for a 1-year term, to any township, even if you don’t live in that township.  

Following the election at 7:30pm, the Fair board will hold their annual meeting and re-organizational meeting in the Community Building.  All members are invited to attend the annual meeting.