Board holds December meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, December 7, 2022, for their December monthly board meeting.  Thirteen directors were present (Dan Beale, Craig Decker, Austin Eibling, Steve Harpster, Jack McBride, Grant Mizek, Christa Rarey, Craig Stump, Nathan Weaver, Brad Murphy, Zach Rambo, Andrew Scharf, and Rob Wilson).  Ten guests were present (Randy Clark, Sherri Beale, Amanda Raines, Kolt Buchenroth, Roger Crowe, Tyler Overly, Mark Badertscher, Catherine Scharf, Jason Fulton and Emily Overs).

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Amanda Raines, Hardin County OSU 4-H Educator, stated 4-H representatives have been selected for the JR Fair Board, but since she didn’t have a lot of interest, she’s going to send out another request to see if anyone else is interested.  She also stated Beef registrations are open and talked about an endowment that she has money to spend.

Correspondence was read from the Hardin Northern FFA officers, Kameron & Kendall Frank, Klayten Chamberlin, and Samantha Sullivan.

Jack McBride and Steve Harpster moved to accept last month’s minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.

Judi Cronley, Treasurer, discussed financials. Since the end of the fiscal year is November 30th, Judi discussed the profit & loss for the year.  Steve Harpster and Dan Beale moved to accept the financial report.  Motion passed unanimously.

Jack McBride and Andrew Scharf moved to pay the bills.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Brad Murphy read Tyler Overly’s letter of intent to join the fair board and represent Buck Township.  Grant Mizek and Dan Beale moved to appoint Tyler to Buck Twp. for one year.  Motion passed unanimously.  Tyler and Christa Rarey (since she wasn’t present at the last meeting) were then sworn in as directors of the Society.  The Society’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Statements were then signed by all directors.  Two new directors were then selected by secret ballot to join the Executive Committee.  Rob Wilson and Grant Mizek will now serve on the Executive Committee for the next 2 years.  Brad then went over the highlights of the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes.  Jack McBride and Nathan Weaver moved to accept the Committee’s minutes with 3% raises being given to yearly staff, a lump amount of money for Pete Fout, Sound Contract to remain the same for another year and rental rates staying the same as last year.  Motion passed unanimously.  It was noted Corey Ledley will research finishing up the ground’s sound project.  Steve Harpster and Andrew Scharf moved to purchase 10 more 8’ tables, 10 6’ tables and 50 universal chairs for Community Building.  Motion passed unanimously.  Committee members for the next year were discussed with a few changes made.  An updated list of committees is on the fair’s website.  Judi Cronley discussed changes that were made to next year’s budget.  Nathan Weaver and Steve Harpster moved to approve the 2023 budget.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Rob Wilson, representing the Ground’s committee, stated there is a new water leak on the grounds.  The site of it has not been determined.  Winter storage continues for boats and vehicles.  One of the new trees has been purchased as a memorial and name plates have been purchased for the 2 FFA trees that were donated.  Judi discussed inventory sheets that still haven’t been turned in, need turned in by next week.  

Rob Wilson, representing the entertainment committee, stated their committee would like to keep all grandstand entertainment the same for next year, with the possibility of finding something new for Thursday night’s entertainment.  Andrew Scharf and Dan Beale moved to accept their request.  Motion passed unanimously.  Brad Murphy discussed the need for more seating and shaded area for the children’s area during the fair and that the resting tent between the grandstand and barns was not really utilized.  

Jack McBride, Jr Fair Livestock Sale Chairman, went over the committee’s minutes.  He stated hogs will sell first this year, champions will go back to selling first in their specie order throughout the day, kids will be encouraged to make a poster or have something to hold while in the sale ring and pictures with buyers of champions will be taken right in the sale ring during the sale.  The sale will just pause while the picture is being taken.  It was also noted that the time champions are released to market will be stated in the fair book. Judi Cronley noted there are still 4 buyers who haven’t paid their sale bills.  Those businesses are Aah Bubble Teas, Jac & Do’s of Urbana, Nutrien Ag and WKTN.  That totals $2,075.  Lastly, the steer weigh-in is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 31st from 9-11am.  

Kolt Buchenroth, representing the sponsorship/advertising/fair book committee, discussed the minutes from their meeting.  He noted that all fair book changes are needed by January 18th, 2023.  Options with the fair book will be discussed at the next board meeting.  

Under old business:

Judi stated 40 vinyl chairs and 2 8’ tables have been ordered and delivered to the Community Building.  Judi and Jack gave a brief report on the International Fair Convention they attended last month.

Under new Business:

Judi discussed the need to increase the credit card limit from $10,000 to $15,000.  Jack McBride and Andrew Scharf moved to request the credit limit be increased to $15,000 due to overall price of services increasing, more bills are paid with the use of the credit card, the amount of purchases during the fair and during the time of the convention going over the spending limit.  Motion passed unanimously.  This request will be given to Quest with the profit and loss report for the year.  Judi gave an annual report on points on the credit card and asked if the Directors wanted to act on those points.  Directors said to just keep letting them carry over.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4th at 7pm in the Community Building.  Steve Harpster and Nathan Weaver moved to adjourn.  Motion passed unanimously.