Board holds March Meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, March 1, 2023, for their March monthly board meeting.  Fourteen directors and Eight guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Mark Badertscher, OSU Hardin County Agricultural & Natural Resources Educator stated there are 4 more commodity banquets coming up this month, with the first one being the Lamb Banquet on March 4th, Pork Banquet March 18th and the Beef and Poultry Banquets on March 25th.  Jolene Buchenroth stated the flowerpots by the digital sign need to be replaced.  The directors agreed to purchase new ones.

Kirk Cameron was then sworn in as an appointed Fair Board Director for one year.  

Correspondence was read from The Public Entities Pool in regards to the loyalty credit being applied to the Hardin County Ag. Society.

Jack McBride and Andrew Scharf moved to accept last month’s minutes as corrected stating the Fairgrounds will NOT be closed to the public during the 4th of July Fireworks Display.  Motion passed unanimously.

A joint meeting for executive, strategic and Development Committees was set for Tuesday, March 21st at 6pm.  

Rob Wilson, representing the Ground’s committee, stated the new/used pick up truck is on the grounds and the goat/sheep barn updates are done.  Railings have been installed by the steps in the show arena, making railings on both sides of the steps.  It was also noted that the grant for the Hardin County Community Foundation was done.

Judi Cronley, stated she called 17 current campers who hadn’t paid their Fair Camping fees.  Four campers never returned calls and they lost their spots.  15 current campers were moved to closer spots, per their request.  There are currently 10 vacant camping spots for this year’s fair.  Judi stated new campers will be called starting next week.  There is currently a waiting list of 38 people who want to camp during the fair.  

Rob Wilson, representing the entertainment committee, stated a contract with Shifferly Road Band will be signed for them to perform in the Shelter House on Saturday afternoon of the fair.

There was no more discussion needed for the grooming and fitting rule, as it is not a new rule.

Brad Murphy, concession’s chairman, stated Contracts will be ready at the end of March.  They will be done by email and on our website, like last year.  He noted there will be a 40×60 tent in the free entertainment/children’s area.

Sherri Beale, JR Fair Board Advisor, stated the JR Fair Board will be having their refreshments for sale during the Consignment Sale.

It was noted sponsorship money and applications are being accepted online through the fair’s website.  It was also noted that the tech. committee will be making some upgrades for the Consignment Sale.

The 2023 fair book will be finished with edits this Friday, with adds being added this month and going to press April 1st.

Under old business:

The 35th Annual Consignment Sale is scheduled for Saturday, March 11th.  Consignment Sale items can be dropped off at the fairgrounds Wednesday, March 8th from 4-6:30pm, Thursday, March 9th from 8-6:30pm and Friday, March 10th from 8-6:30pm.  The Community Building will be used for the Sale Office again.  Information on the sale can be found on our website.  All commission rates have stayed the same.  

Under new Business:

Directors discussed changing the amounts of the meal tickets used during the fair.  Directors agreed to have the meal tickets at $10 and a different colored cardstock for Jr. Fair and Sr. Fair.  The Spring District Meeting was discussed, with Meghan Yoakum stating she will attend and get a Wilson Football to take for the silent auction.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm in the Community Building.