Board holds August meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, August 2, 2023, for their August monthly board meeting.  Sixteen directors and ten guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Mark Badertscher from OSU Extension stated he was working on a date for the Carcass Show.  Catherine Scharf, Fair Office Assistant, requested the Directors review the Season Ticket Price for tickets being sold in the Fair Office.  Currently season tickets sold in the fair office will also be charged a $3.00 processing fee, just like the season tickets being sold online.  Christa Rarey and Steve Harpster moved to wave the $3.00 processing fee for the season tickets being sold in the fair office.  Motion passed.   

Brad noted Judi Cronley hired 2 more fair office assistants.  Melinda Ledley and Kathy Hord were hired to work through the week of the fair.

Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, gave a ground’s committee update.  The Fair Workday to paint the interior of the Arts/Crafts Building is set for Saturday, August 5th, starting at 8:30am.  It was noted that the grounds will be sprayed for the fair on August 29th and the buildings/barns will be sprayed on August 30th.  Fire extinguishers and the hoods in the restaurants will be inspected on Friday, August 4th

Judi noted fair camping renters can pick up their hang tags and wristbands in the Fair office starting Monday, August 7th.  Craig Stump is working on contracts for the Cushman Club and Ohio Good Sam.

Christa Rarey is working on getting a contract with Shifferly Road Band for the fair.  A contract with Trapper DJ Services for some dances during the fair was secured.  There will be dances in the Kids Zone on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings.  There will also be a dance for JR Fair Exhibitors in the Show arena from 9:30 -11 pm on Saturday night.   Contracts for pit workers and grandstand ticket booth workers are secured. 

Rabbit tattooing is scheduled for Saturday, August 5th. If any individual/organization is interested in coordinating an open class horse show, for Saturday of the fair and only for the 2023 Hardin County Fair, you are asked to reach out to Board President Brad Murphy via email at by Wednesday, August 16th.  It was noted the fair board is not opting out of any of the optional livestock rules for the 2023 Hardin County Fair.

Vendor/Concession applications can still be filled out online at  Payment is needed after they are approved. 

The JR Fair Board is getting ready to start their “Stock Trailer” Campaign.  They are also getting another pedal tractor & sled to use for the pedal tractor pull during the fair.

It was noted the 2023 Hardin County Fair Book is online and can be found at  A limited number of hard copies are available in the Fair Office. 

Under old business:

Directors were told the new on-ground PA project will not be ready for this year’s fair.  The Emergency Management meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th at 6pm in the Grange Restaurant.  This is a mandatory meeting for directors to attend.  The Arts/Crafts building will be set up after this meeting for the fair.  Jake Burgbacher has agreed to schedule the EMS for the fair.  Open Class entries can now be made online, by coming to the fair office or mailing them in by Friday, August 25th at 5pm.  If you need assistance with your online Open Class entry, stop by the Fair Office starting Monday, August 7th – when the Fair Office will start to be open from Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.  Season tickets, day passes, and grandstand tickets can be purchased online or in the Fair Office.  Regular Fair workday for the fair with the JR Fair Board is scheduled for Saturday, August 19th, starting at 8:30am. 

Under new Business:

Tyler Overly, Probation Office, requested day passes for those on probation meeting all guidelines this quarter.  Charlie McCullough and Austin Eibling moved to accept a motion to this effect, with Tyler Overly abstaining from the vote.  Motion passed.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 30th at 7pm in the Community Building.  One week earlier than normal, d/t the week of the fair in September.