The Hardin County Ag Society set the next meeting for October 4, 2023 with the following agenda.
- Call to Order
- Guests (3–5-minute speaking time allotted)
- Correspondence – Thank You’s from Hardin County Council on Aging, Nancy Musselman, Cain Sullivan, Thaiyer Nelson, Mila Strain
- Minutes of last meeting
- Financial Reports – Hardin County Fair Report
- Bills to Approve
- Committee Reports:
- Executive Committee
- Strategic Planning
- Development Committee
- Grounds Committee
- Winter Storage began Oct. 1st and runs through the 2nd Saturday in April. Rates are same as last year, vehicles – $30 per month, boats, trailers, campers, etc. – $15 per linear foot.
- Freezer for Community Bldg. – needed by Oct. 21st.
- Camping Committee
- Ohio Good Sam needing contract.
- Entertainment Committee
- Fair Show Report
- Harness Racing Report
- Livestock Committees
- Update on Livestock sale.
- Sale checks can be picked up on Saturday, Oct. 28th from 9-12, Saturday, Nov. 4th from 3-6pm or Wednesday and Friday’s starting Nov. 1st until Friday, Nov. 17th from 9-4pm. All checks need to be cashed by Nov. 30th, 2023.
- Rides and Concessions
- JR Fair Board Report
- Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
- This committee needs to meet this month to present their requested budget to the executive committee.
- Tech. Committee
- Other Committees
Old Business:
- The Division of Wildlife CWD kiosk and inspection station is now set up at the Main Gate of the fairgrounds.
- $2 Membership tickets can still be purchased with a season pass until Friday, Oct. 13th at 4pm.
- JR Fair & Open Class premium money can still be picked up on Wednesday and Friday’s 9-4pm until Friday, November 17th.
- Petitions for the November Fair Board Director Election are due by Friday, Oct. 27th at 4pm. Up for election this year: 2 director at large positions, Blanchard Twp., Taylor Creek Twp., Cessna Twp., Marion Twp., and McDonald Twp. for 3-year terms. Buck and Jackson Twp. for a 2-year term. And Lynn Twp. for a 1-year term. Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Friday, Oct. 13th at 4pm, then the petition needs to be returned to the Secretary’s office by Friday, Oct. 27th at 4pm. Just a reminder, if you are interested in running for a position, you need to come to the Nov. Board Meeting to state your intentions for running, if you didn’t come to today’s meeting.
New Business
- Open Class statistics sheet.
- Other Fair Reports w/attendance.
- Fair Date Request form – for next year’s fair needs approved.
- Fair’s Fund Money request form needs approved.
- An Outstanding Fair Supporter needs nominated.
- Any new business needed for approval from the Fair Wrap Up Meeting?
- The Annual Fair Board Director Election is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 4th from 3-7pm in the Fair Board Office.
- 3 judges and 2 clerks are needed for the election.
- The Annual membership meeting and reorganizational meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 4th at 7:30pm in the Community Bldg.
Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, November 1st at 7pm in the Community Building.