The Hardin County Ag Society set the next meeting for June 5, 2024 with the following agenda.
Agenda Topics
- Call to Order
- Guests (3–5-minute speaking time allotted)
- Correspondence – letter from AEP.
- Minutes of last meeting
- Financial Reports (Make a motion to move $16,000 from the Consignment Sale Acct. to the Capital Improvement Fund. That will leave $6,305 in the Consignment Sale Acct.) (6 month budget review)
- Bills to Approve
- Committee Reports:
- Jr Fair Board Report
- Sunday, June 30th is the next meeting
- Executive Committee
- Strategic Planning
- Meeting needs scheduled to review the Strategic Plan.
- Development Committee
- Grounds Committee
- Water leak in front of grandstand on black top
- Work days to start the process of moving FFA, HS Art, Shop/Crop, and Photography to the Merchant’s Building. And make booth spaces for those groups moving from the Merchant’s Building to the other building.
- Camping Committee
- All fair camping spots have been paid. One new camper never paid and 2 messages were left, they were then told to get back on the waiting list if they wanted to camp.
- Cushman Club had less campers this year than last. We received $930 in camping fees last year, compared to $620 this year. Overall payment was $730 less than last year, but the contract was changed this year – reducing ground rental by $420. We will know later this month if they are coming back next year.
- Ohio Good Sam will be coming next month. Don’t have their number of campers, yet.
- Entertainment Committee
- Face Painter for children’s tent
- Rob is working on a speaker for the Hour of Inspiration.
- Waiting on Riverdale, HN and ONU Bands to sign their fair contracts saying they are coming.
- Need to send contracts for pit workers and grandstand workers – who this year?
- Cheerleading judges need their contracts.
- This month – reserving hotel rooms for Harness Racing, Gate Workers, Wood carver, Horse Judge, Laser Tag, Mobile GlassBlower, and Magic Man TJ Hill. I don’t see hotel rooms on other contracts, but please check to verify.
- Livestock Committees
- Vet contract
- Sheep Weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th from 8-9:30am
- Goat Weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th from 10-11am
- Judges are needed for Dairy, Dairy Beef, Beef and Wed. Horse Judge. Waiting on Goat, rabbit and swine judges to return their signed contacts. Other contracts have been returned.
- Rabbit Show, being sponsored by Country Timers 4-H club, will be Sunday, June 23rd from noon to 6pm in the Small Animal Show Arena.
- Rides and Concessions
- Vendor/Concession Applications are still available online for outdoor spaces.
- Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
- Sponsorship campaign continues
- Award/Ribbon Sponsorship past due letters have been sent, with payments being due this month. If payments are not received this month, they will not be recognized at the fair.
- Tech. Committee
- Other Committees
- Fair Book hard copies for open class are now available at the Secretary’s office. JR Fair sections, along with the whole fair book can be viewed online.
Old Business:
- Judges are still needed for many open class departments.
- Fair Contract w/EMS
New Business:
- Rentals for June and July
- Fair contracts being sent to Mounted Posse, Firefighters Association, F & L Septic Cleaning (porta pots), TJD Industrial Cleaning(ground’s sweeper), S V & E Refuse(trash pickup), Emergency Medical Services, and Draft Horse Association.
- JR Fair entries can now be made through the fair’s website.
- Open Class entries can be made starting August 1st – August. 23rd.
Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, July 10th at 7pm in the Fair Office due to the Ohio Good Sam using the Community Bldg. This is also 1 week later than usual due to the 4th of July Holiday.