Fair board holds special meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Monday, July 15th, 2024 for a Special Board meeting with directors: Justin Beale, Corey Ledley, Rob Wilson, Brad Murphy, Dan Beale, Steve Harpster, Charlie McCullough, Andrew Scharf, Austin Eibling, Jack McBride, Jake McFadden, Meghan Yoakum, Grant Mizek, Tyler Overly, Kirk Cameron, Nathan Weaver and Curt Vanderpool. Guests present were: Judi Cronley, Craig Stump, Sherri Beale and Kaitlyn Ledley.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Brad stated the topic on the agenda as “motion to approve alcohol sales at the concert”, as approved at the regular fair board meeting on Wednesday, July 10th. Brad discussed 2 letters from the Ohio Attorney General from 2013 and 2014 that he had become aware of. In general it states that to engage in alcohol sales during the fair, the fair’s constitution and by-laws need to be updated accordingly. Brad noted amendments to the constitution and by-laws can only be done at the Fair Board’s annual meeting that is held in November of each year. Brad stated since this is the case, he needed a motion to rescind the motion made at the regular board meeting on Wednesday, July 10th. made a motion to rescind the motion Jake McFadden about selling alcohol during the 2024 concert and Steve Harpster seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. Motion carried. There will be no alcohol sold during the 2024 concert of the fair.

Jake McFadden moved to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Andrew Scharf, motion carried.