Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, August 7, 2024, for their August monthly board meeting. All directors were present and eight guests were present.
Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Dave Faulkner introduced the new Posse Captain – Joe Long. He discussed motorcycle parking.
A thank you note was read from Nancy Rickenbacker.
Sherri Beale, JR Fair Board Advisor, stated their next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 25th. It was noted they will be having an iPad refresher course for the fair shows.
The executive committee discussed the minutes from their meeting held before this regular board meeting. Brad Murphy was given the approval to sign the grant agreement for the One Time Strategic Investment Fund totaling $500,000. It was noted, all unused money will need to be returned to the state, if not used by the end date of the grant. It was noted Craig Stump has resigned from the board and his duties were discussed. Everyone was made aware of those duties and where they are needed. Directors agreed to use $15,000 of the VLT money for the door project, along with $50,000 from the DoD Grant. Jack McBride was given the approval to sign the Fair Veterinarian Contract after some dates are corrected. Directors agreed to change the Merchant’s Building name to the Youth and Ag Center. The layout for the development project was approved and to pay $100,000 to start the drainage portion.
Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman stated the next work day is scheduled for Saturday, August 17th and that is with the JR Fair Board Kids. Before fair items to occur are benches being brought out of the barns, fixing another water leak by the Gazebo, finishing up with the new windows in the round house, concrete steps for the grandstand, and finishing the new handicap parking areas in the East and West lots. It was noted one water leak has been fixed, the fire extinguishers have been checked and seams in the beef restroom have been grinded down.
It was noted the Ohio Good Sam RV group has signed a contract to come back next year. Fair camping renters can pick up their hang tags and wristbands in the fair office Monday through Friday from 9-5pm.
It was noted contracts for the cheerleading judges needs to be done.
It was noted rabbit tattooing was done on Saturday, August 3rd and there are some livestock judges that need to return their signed contracts. Jack McBride stated livestock chairmen need to stand firm that livestock showmanship had to be done when entries were made, not the week of the fair. There have been questions about pullorum testing for chickens. All poultry exhibitors need to be aware of the rules stated in the fairbook as: waterfowl are exempt from testing., a veterinarian must test turkeys, and chickens not hatched at an NPIP hatchery must be pullorum tested and present paperwork at check-in. Chickens purchased through the 4-H purchasing program are hatched at an NPIP compliant hatchery and no action is required.
Christa Rarey, Indoor Vendor Chairwoman, stated there are still indoor booths available. Brad Murphy, Outdoor Vendor Chairman, stated all outdoor vendor spaces have been rented except for large equipment dealers.
Kolt Buchenroth explained the partnership growth chart and how it has increased over the past. He also stated sponsorship signs have been ordered. Kolt announced there will be 125 ride wristbands given away for free on Tuesday – Saturday of the fair, thanks to partnerships from Circle R Corp., Hardin County Council on Aging, Watkins Farms, Quest Federal Credit Union, Salsita’s by Salsa’s Mexican Grill, Heelstone Energy, RWE, and Invenergy. Those tickets will be available at the Durant ticket booth each day of the fair starting at 12noon.
Kolt explained that door fobs are needed for the fair office, secretary office, JR Fair Board office and Sale Office. He stated SpeedWavz will be hooking up the WiFi this Friday. Sound Solutions will be hooking up the new outdoor sound this week, too.
It was noted that the Open Horse Show, on Saturday of the Fair, will be run by Alicia Martin – not the Carder’s for Taylor’s Way. The new show bill is posted on the Fair’s website and copies can be obtained in the Fair Office.
Open Class entries can be made until Friday, August 23rd. The Emergency Management Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th at 6pm in the Grange Restaurant. After the meeting the Arts/Crafts Building will be set up for the fair. The Fair Office is now open Monday – Friday from 9-5pm.
Judi gave an update on rentals for August and September. Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, stated the grounds will be sprayed Wednesday, August 28th and the barns will be sprayed on Thursday, August 29th. Brad stated tents will be put up on Thursday, August 29th. Jack McBride agreed to be the fair’s delegate for the annual meeting at the fair convention and Jake McFadden agreed to be the alternate. It was noted anyone interested in purchasing a 50/50 ticket for the Prince and Princess contest that ended on August 2nd, can purchase them in the Fair Office from Friday, August 16th – to Friday, August 23rd. Jake McFadden explained the lunch ticket option for Tuesday – Friday of the fair. There will be a time span from 11am-1pm that people can pay the $10 admission and if they leave the same exit they came in – within 1 hour, they will get $8 back. This is only a cash option and they will have a card stating the time of entry. Just a reminder, season ticket prices are $26 in the Fair Office until Thursday, August 29th, after this date the price increases to $31. Season tickets and parking permits can be purchased at the gates this year, too. Craig Stump’s letter of resignation was read by Brad Murphy. Corey moved to accept the letter, seconded by Tyler Overly. The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th at 7pm in the Community Bldg. This is the board’s September meeting one week early because of Fair Week.