Fair board holds November meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, November 6, 2024, for their November monthly board meeting. 16 Directors and 10 guests were present.

Jake McFadden, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order.

A thank you note from Nancy & Staci Musselman and a letter from the Reverse Raffle Committee was read. Dave, Tom Lewis, and Dave & Tom Woods presented a request to start holding motorcycle races on the race track again. The last year this was done was 2004. Directors stated they would get back with them after discussion was held. Amanda Raines gave an update on information she received at an ODA meeting she recently attended. Roger Crowe, County Commissioner, stated they are currently working on the county budget.

Jake McFadden, Board Vice President, went over the Executive Committee minutes and they were approved. It was noted the Executive committee needs to meet this month to work on the 2025 budget. Directors voted by secret ballot for 2 new executive committee members. Going off of the committee were Rob Wilson and Grant Mizek. Voted on the committee for the next 2 years will be Corey Ledley and Tyler Overly. The whole committee consists of Jake McFadden, Jack McBride, Andrew Scharf, Charlie McCullough, Corey Ledley and Tyler Overly. The executive committee will also meet this month to set committees.

Charlie McCullough and Andrew Scharf moved to go into executive session to discuss personnel and salaries at 7:44pm. Motion passed unanimously. The committee came out of executive session at 7:57pm. Jack McBride and Grant Mizek moved to vote by paper ballot for the 3 open director positions, since 4 letters had been received for nominations. The three winners to be nominated to open director positions were Kirk Cameron, Justin Beale and Abe Decker. Judi Cronley, notarizer, then swore into office Kirk Cameron, Jake McFadden (who was not present at the Annual Meeting) and Abe Decker. Employee contracts with salary adjustments for 2025 were approved.

The new door project with new locks continues. It was noted there is no more indoor storage space for campers, boats are still being accepted. Vehicles are still being accepted also. Judi noted which inventory sheets that were still needed to be completed. It was noted that the ground’s committee will be meeting to discuss any projects that need to be added to the 2025 budget.

Charlie McCullough, Camping chairman, stated their committee will be meeting this month to discuss rates for the 2025 budget. Charlie suggested and the directors approved to add 28 new camping spots in the East Lot and fix the electric in the West Camping – using the Dept. of Development grant money (not to exceed $20,000).

Jack McBride, Livestock Sale Committee Chairman, discussed the Sale Committee Meeting Minutes. Grant Mizek, Goat Chairman, discussed the Goat Committee Meeting Minutes. Meghan Yoakum, Poultry Chairwoman, discussed the Poultry Committee Meeting Minutes. It was noted there are only 5 livestock sale premium checks that still need to be picked up. They have until Friday, November, 22nd to pick them up. All livestock exhibitors need to cash their checks by the end of November. Austin Eibling, Beef Chairman, stated the Steer weigh in and tagging date is Saturday, December 28th from 9am – 12 noon. Memorial money for Ed Powell was discussed and Steve Harpster will work on that.

Jake McFadden stated the contract with Durant Amusements will be obtained at the OFMA convention.

Jake McFadden, Advertising Chairman, discussed the Advertising/Sponsorship committee meeting minutes. The advertising budget for 2025 was accepted.

The Reverse Raffle Committee reminded everyone that renewing tickets for the raffle is due by December 1st, after that date, people on the waiting list will be called.

Under old business:

You can still pick up your premium money for open class and Jr Fair in the Secretary’s office on Wednesday and Fridays from 9-4pm until Friday, November 22nd. Everyone was reminded that Fair Book edits are due by the end of December.

Under new business:

Rentals at the fairgrounds for November and December were discussed. Jake McFadden discussed the Fair Foundation getting restarted. Nathan Weaver agreed to join Jake on the committee. The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in the Fair Office.