Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, December 4, 2024, for their December monthly board meeting. 14 Directors and 7 guests were present.
Jake McFadden, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Thank you notes were read from the Heacock’s and the Ridgemont FFA.
Dillon Searson requested to use the grounds for a Hardin County Community Ag Day on Sunday, April 27th from 1-5pm. Back up days would be May 10th or May 11th. Austin Eibling and Steve Harpster moved to allow him to do this project with a deposit of $250. Motion passed unanimously.
Judi Cronley went over the newly made 2025 budget for the society. Directors approved the 2025 budget. Judi gave the annual credit card points report, which was 20,500 points. Directors agreed to roll over the points to the next year.
It was noted there are 4 confirmed Jr. Fair Board members going to the Annual Fair Convention in January.
Jack McBride, Board Vice President, went over the Executive Committee minutes and they were approved by the directors. 2025 copies of committee members were distributed and it was noted that the list has been updated on the website. Rental rates will stay the same for next year. Judi Cronley discussed the 2024 Annual Report and Tyler Overly and Nathan Weaver moved to approve the report. Motion passed unanimously. All directors and employees were given a copy of the board’s code of conduct to sign for the next year. Steve Harpster and Grant Mizek moved to nominate Dennis Hinton as the 2025 Hardin County Fair Honoree. Motion passed unanimously.
Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, discussed the Ground’s committee minutes from their meeting on 11/20/24. He discussed new projects for the upcoming year. A suggestion for the Hardin County Community Foundation Grant was given. Using more of the Department of Development’s grant money was discussed. Directors accepted their minutes. Rob stated the stage is being torn down by Steve and Randy. There are approximately 25 sets of risers at various heights that are available to anyone who would like them. Anyone in the community needs to contact Judi at the office about obtaining them.
Jake McFadden, camping committee member, went over the camping committee minutes from 11/21/24. The committee is proposing that camping rates be increased from $150 to $200 for 30 amp service and increase 50 amp service from $175 to $225. Directors approved the rate increase. It was noted fair camping registration will start in January with a new online system.
Rob Wilson, entertainment committee chairman, went over the entertainment committee minutes from 11/20/24.
The committee proposed daily grandstand entertainment with times and pricing to stay the same with the exception of modifying Harness Racing start time to 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The committee suggested asking the Hardin County Community Foundation for 60 white chairs for the box seats. The committee set a budget for on ground’s free entertainment for the fair at $45,000, grandstand entertainment for the fair at $90,610 and gazebo entertainment at $2000. Directors approved the entertainment committee’s minutes.
Steve Harpster explained how the memorial money for Ed Powell was going to be used. It was noted the steer weigh in and tagging is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 28th from 9-12pm, with the Beef Committee meeting when it’s done. Swine Committee meeting minutes were reviewed. There were several livestock committees who met before this board meeting and those minutes will be discussed in January.
Jake McFadden stated the contract with Durant Amusements will be obtained at the OFMA convention.
Jake McFadden, Advertising Chairman, stated their committee is working on the concert presenting sponsorships.
The Reverse Raffle Committee stated all tickets have been paid for and there is still a waiting list for tickets.
Everyone was reminded that Fair Book edits are due by the end of December.
Rentals at the fairgrounds for December and January were discussed. It was noted the Secretary office at the Fairgrounds will be closed from December 25th – January 1st. Jake McFadden discussed a grant that he wants to apply for to replace water fountains on the grounds, all but the free standing ones. Steve Harpster and Grant Mizek moved to have Kolt Buchenroth apply for the grant and sign it. Motion passed unanimously. Jake discussed a new policy for guest participation at board meetings. Christa Rarey and Austing Eibling moved to accept this policy that will be in effect starting at the January board meeting. Motion passed unanimously. The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8th at 7pm in the Fair Office. (Which is one week later d/t the Ohio Fair Managers convention before the 1st week of January.)