Fair board holds January meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, January 8, 2025, for their January monthly board meeting. 17 Directors and 10 guests were present. 

Jake McFadden, Board President, called the meeting to order. 

Kevin Kapanka & Tom Dills from a non-profit organization called “Play for Purpose” explained a car show they want to hold at the fairgrounds on Sunday, June 22nd. 

Justin Beale was then sworn in as a director by Judi Cronley, notarizer. 

Katie Lowe, JR Fairboard Member, spoke about the JR Fairboard’s experience at the OFMA Convention. 

Jake McFadden went over the Development Committee’s minutes from 12/13/24. Committee members were adjusted to this committee and it was noted this committee needs to meet at least monthly to discuss the new building project. 

Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, stated the Community Building generator is not starting automatically and the Health Dept. will be contacted about this issue. Everyone was told about the new keys for many doors. 

Directors agreed to renumber the East Camping spots to a 3 digit system. This new system will be introduced in the emails about registering and paying for their camping spots. Discussion was held about the price for 50 amp spots. Directors agreed to have anyone in a 50 amp spot pay the $225 price. If someone is currently in a 50 amp spot and they don’t need the extra amperage or want to pay the extra amount, they can be moved to a 30 amp site. All the new 28 spots are being added at 50 amp sites and they will cost $225. All current fair campers are to look for an email on Monday, January 13th about registering and paying for their site. Sites will need to be paid by February 14th, 2025. Primitive camping rates will continue to stay at $75 per site. 

Rob Wilson, entertainment committee chairman, stated the announcement of the 2025 Concert will be on Tuesday, April 22nd with tickets going on sale Friday, April 25th. Derby Dog will be the Demolition Contract for 2025. Two groups have been signed for on ground’s entertainment for 2026. The laser tag contract for 2025 has been signed and whoever plays the laser tag game will need to sign a waiver of liability. A contract for a woodcarver, blacksmith and glass blower is being worked on. The contract with Trapper Tunes DJ Services is also being worked on. 

Rabbit, Dairy Beef Feeder and Dairy Committee Minutes were reviewed. Directors agreed to change the Fair Dog Show to Sunday morning of the fair at 8am. Changes to the Beef Division were approved. Beef move in time will be set on the Saturday before the fair at noon. No one will be allowed to set up before then. Marking of tie out spaces will not be allowed until the Saturday before the fair at Noon. Anything hung before then will be cut down and there will be an All Other Breeds division added in the breed show. 

Jake McFadden stated the contract with Durant Amusements is being worked on. Durant all day ride wristbands will be $20, which is the lowest in the state for their company. 

The Reverse Raffle Committee stated they are currently collecting donations and it is just 1 month to the day of the event. 

Under old business: 

Fair Book edits are still needed from several committees. 

Under new business: 

Everyone was encouraged to start getting their judges for the fair. The annual consignment sale is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th at 9am, items to be consigned can be dropped off on Thursday and Friday, March 6th and 7th from 8am-6:30pm. Some reminder notes for consignors were stated by Jack McBride. The maximum “Buyback” commission rate is now $100 per item. Commission rates are $0 to $50 = 50%, $50.01 to $199.99 = 25%, $200 to $599.99 = 10% and $600 and over = 6%. No checks will be issued for less than $50 and there is also a consignor’s fee of $5 per item – to be collected at time of check in. Jake wanted everyone to be aware that Townships have received a sign up sheet for their EMS group to schedule a time to work during the fair. A proposal from New Leaf Landscaping to do upkeep around the Community Building throughout the year was approved. The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5th at 7pm in the Community Building.