Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, May 2, 2018, for their regular board meeting. Twelve directors were and nine guests were present.
Craig Stump, President, called the meeting to order.
Kolt Buchenroth, Communication Director for the Hardin County Ag. Society, stated an IPad for the office has been purchased. The Ag. Society web site is currently being updated, so it is inaccessible at this time. A new log for the Hardin County Fair is also currently being designed.
Tim Striker stated there is currently a showcase available at the school house, if the fair board wants it. Pete Fout will take a look at it after the meeting with Tim.
Mark Light, OSU 4-H Extension Agent, stated livestock forms were being updated and will be available on line.
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Agent, stated the Master Gardeners will be holding their Annual Plant Sale in the Arts/Crafts Building on Saturday, May 12th from 9am-12 noon.
Correspondences were read from the Hardin County Community Foundation in regards to the Ag. Society’s requests for grants. The Ag. Society was denied their requests, but the 4th of July Committee was granted their requests for fireworks and repair work. The Kenton Ohio Hi Point FFA gave a thank you for their use of the stage, for their Annual FFA Banquet.
Judi Cronley discussed changes that were made to the updated 2018 Ohio Dept. of Agriculture Redbooks. The board moved to pay an advance for trophy work to Classic Trophy and Engraving when they pay their camping fee for the 2018 fair. Brad Murphy stated a tech. committee is being formed. Members on the committee will be Jack McBride, Brad Murphy, Corey Ledley, Kolt Buchenroth and Judi Cronley. It was noted the Executive Committee will be meeting to review the contract for Kolt Buchenroth and a contract for Marilyn Bidwell.
The board agreed to have Gary and Patti Casteel come back for summer help this year and to have Jim Lyle build another showcase.
Craig Stump, representing the Camping Committee, stated 2018 fair camping contracts are due Friday, May 11th.
Judi Cronley stated the entertainer, for the Saturday night concert, of the 2018 Fair will be announced next Friday, May 11th. Tickets will go on sale starting Friday, May 25th in the office or on line through the Ag. Society’s website All tickets will be purchased through an on line system, even if you come to the office to purchase your tickets. Track tickets will be $25, reserved seats $20 and general admission tickets $15. Children 5 and under are free in the general admission area. There will be an opening act starting at 7pm this year, too. Cancellation insurance for the Saturday night concert was approved. It was noted the 2018 demo derby class rules are now available in the office or on line at Derby Dog Promotions.
Livestock judges are still needed for the Dairy Dept. and Beef Dept. Other judge’s contracts are being either emailed or mailed this month with their show outline. Two people still need to sign for the weigher license applications for 2018. New for 2018, is Jr. Fair Livestock Exhibitors have to complete their quality assurance program at least 45 days prior to the opening day of the fair. So, quality assurance is being offered earlier in the summer, by the OSU 4-H extension office. Mandatory dairy beef feeder vaccinations and weigh in is Saturday, May 26th from 8am-10:30am at the fairgrounds. Mark Garmon, representing the sheep dept., stated their weigh in is Saturday, June 9th from 8-11am.
Janie Seiler, chairperson of the rides/concession’s dept., stated there are some new rules about spacing for the 2018 fair and those will be addressed.
Amanda Murphy, representing the Jr. Fair Board stated they are working on the committees for the Jr. Fair Board kids.
Under old business:
Non Livestock judges are still needed for Culinary Arts, Cultural Arts, Youth, Pie Day, and Decorative Painting, fine arts, woodworking, crafts/ceramics and HS Art.
A new contract for 2 way radio rentals during the 2018 fair are still being investigated.
Gate workers have been acquired for all days during the fair.
2018 Fair t-shirts can now be purchased in the office.
Under new business:
A 4th of July committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 14th at 7pm in the fair office.
The 2018 fair book has gone to print and will be available in the office or on line starting Friday, May 11th.
Box seat letters will be sent this month.
District II will be having a spring meeting on June 9th at 9am, at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds.
The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, June 6th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office.