Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Thursday, October 11, 2018, for their October board meeting. Fourteen directors were present and ten guests were present.
Howard Lyle, Past President, called the meeting to order, in the absence of the current President and Vice President.
Kolt Buchenroth, Communications Director, stated the old internet service has been canceled. He stated that Quest Federal Credit Union has offered to upgrade WIFI for the fairgrounds year round. The board moved to let Quest go forward with this offer. Kolt also stated that Ohio Health is footing the bill for the purchase of an AED to be placed in the Community Building. Kolt stated the communication entries for the OFMA Convention have been sent. Kolt will also be conducting meet the candidates, for fair board directors seeking to be a director, on Facebook
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Agent, stated nominations for the Ag Hall of Fame are being accepted at this time. Applications can be picked up at the OSU Extension office. Mark also talked about the Extension office renewal levy that will be on the ballot in November. Howard Lyle asked the board for a donation to that levy. The board moved to donate $300 to the committee. Mark also talked about a new disease that has been found in rabbits. It was first discovered in Medina County. It’s a highly contagious disease and he just wanted to make sure all rabbit exhibitors were aware of this new disease.
Jennifer Overholt, daughter of Tom Kritzler, raised her concern over the money donated in memory of her father. She was concerned that nothing has been done with the money and wanted to make sure no one has forgotten about it.
Mike Comstock and Denna Clem, from the 4th of July Fireworks committee, gave a report on the history of the fireworks at the Hardin County Fairgrounds. They requested the fair board let them hold the fireworks celebration here again this next summer. The Board OK’d this.
Many thank you’s were read from various people under correspondence. A letter from Ag Credit was received about the Ag. Society’s interest in a grant. The grant was denied.
Brad Murphy, from the Executive Committee, discussed their minutes from a meeting on Sept. 19th. Much discussion was held on the topic of receiving petitions for becoming a director on the fair board. Those recommendations will be discussed at the Fair Board’s Annual Meeting on November 3rd. The EMS bill for supplies used during the 2018 fair was discussed. The board moved to not pay for the $50 in coffee supplies, but the rest of the bill will be paid.
Kelly Buchenroth, the chairperson of the ground’s committee, passed out inventory sheets that need to be updated for the grounds. He stated a meeting will be held soon to discuss various items. It was noted there is a leaking window in the community building, too. Meetings will be held with the EMS and horseshoer’s, per their request.
It was noted the fair camping waiting list grew during the 2018 fair to 38 people.
It was noted that Saturday night concert tickets have been refunded and the cancellation insurance claim has been started. Reports of all grandstand and free entertainment were made available.
Judi Cronley stated that all but 49 livestock exhibitor checks were mailed today. Those remaining 49 checks will be mailed when their buyers pay their invoices.
Janie Seiler, the chairperson of the rides/concession’s dept., stated Durant Amusements were down in profit from last year – $28,689. Their best day was Friday and their worse day was Sunday of the fair. A new Pepsi Contract is currently being worked on since the old one has expired.
Kolt stated he’s working on a new sponsorship packet.
Corey Ledley resumed his duties as President pro tem, dismissing Howard Lyle.
The board approved minutes from an emergency meeting held during the week of the fair.
Under old business:
Petitions for fair directors are due by Friday, Oct. 26th at 4 pm. The public is being reminded that only Membership ticket holders can vote for directors on November 3rd.
Under new business:
It was noted there is now a vacant position for Pleasant Township director. This position will be an elected position for one year and then next year, it will be an elected position for 3 years. There will be a legal ad and article about the fair board election in the Kenton Times this month. Judi Cronley stated she needed 5 directors to help with the fair board election on Nov. 3rd. Jim Bidwell was nominated for our outstanding fair supporter to the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture. The 2019 Ohio fairs Fund money was approved to be requested. The board moved to not refund any of the box seat money for the 2018 Hardin County Fair. The Hardin County Ag. Society’s annual membership meeting and the reorganizational meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 3rd at 7:30 pm in the Arts/Crafts Building. The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00 pm in the Fair Office.