Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, January 6, 2021, for their January board meeting. Seventeen directors and eleven guests were present.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Paul Ralston, representing the Hardin Community Fair Foundation, stated they need another fair board director to represent the board. They would also like the fair board to submit a request for a project to be done this year. The interest from their balance is what money will be used for the project.
Brad Murphy discussed the new committee assignments. A motion was made to add a refundable deposit of $20 for the Shelter House. All other rental rates will remain the same for the year 2021. There has been interest from a renter, only wanting to rent the gazebo for a wedding. After discussion, a motion was made to charge Gazebo use only at $25, if the gazebo is used with another building rented with it, the gazebo use would be free. Unused grant money was discussed and Craig Stump moved to cut a check back to the grantor. That motion never received a second motion. The Fair Board moved to table the topic for further discussion. Brad Murphy will talk to the grantor. Names on box seats were discussed. A motion was made to have Judi Cronley contact box seat owners who have personal names on them and suggest they change them to a family name. Discussion was held about having box seat renters, sign contracts. A contract will be reviewed at the next board meeting for approval. A motion was made to nominate Doug and Susan Frederick as the 2021 Hardin County Fair Honorees. It was noted a strategic planning meeting will be held with the executive meeting first.
Pete Fout, Ground’s Supervisor, stated the touch free fixtures for the restrooms have been installed. Ideas for Community Foundation Grants were discussed and the ground’s committee will look into the projects further. A ground’s meeting will be scheduled soon to discuss this further.
It was noted that the fair camping letters will be sent at the end of this week by email, with only a few mailed to those who don’t use email. Campers should start looking in their emails for those letters and rent for the 2021 Hardin County Fair will be due by Friday, February 12th.
Steve Harpster gave a report on the flooring in the sheep barn. The project is coming along well and donations for the project can be given. It was noted there are still 3 livestock exhibitors who haven’t cased their sale checks. They have until Jan. 13th, 2021 to cash those checks. Jack McBride, Livestock Sale Committee chairman, gave a report on their meeting held in December. The committee moved to have this year’s fair a partial/terminal show. There were many questions brought up and Jack will research them further and get back with the board. It was noted buyers need to know their options as well. A motion was made that all light and heavy weight animals weighed on Monday before the fair, will go back home. It was noted only grand and Reserve Champion animals will be present at the sale on sale day. No other animals will go through the sale, just the exhibitor will go through the sale. Dale Cockerell, Beef Chairman, stated there were 31 Dairy and Beef steers that were weight last Saturday. Jack McBride discussed the virtual call held with the State Veterinarian earlier this week. There are no new rules for the year 2021. There is a couple more virtual calls scheduled this month from the state, one dealing with livestock sales and ODA annual health forms.
Sherri Beale, Jr. Fair Board Advisor, stated they will be purchasing a child size picnic table with grant money.
Jake McFadden, Sponsorship Committee Chairman, stated they will be having a meeting Jan. 13th to discuss the sponsorship packet.
Kolt Buchenroth stated the 5 refurbished laptops were delivered and the Show Works program is being installed on them.
Changes to sections of the fair book are due by Friday, Jan. 8th. A motion was made to have the Annual Consignment Sale on Saturday, March 13th. Discussion will be held with the health dept. on how the sale can be accomplished safely.
Under old business:
Judi Cronley gave an update on the virtual district meeting held in December.
Under new business: It was noted the OFMA Annual meeting is scheduled for this coming Saturday, with Jack McBride as our delegate on the call. Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated he is on the fair committee for another year. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3rd at 7pm, with hopes of having the meeting in the Community Building.