Board holds March meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, March 3, 2021, for their March board meeting.  Fifteen directors and eight guests were present.

Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Amanda Raines stated 4-H clubs can now meet in person, but they will probably need bigger spaces to hold their meetings – to make then socially distant.

A correspondence from Preston Brien was read, along with a land petition for a ditch repair needing to be done on the fairgrounds property. 

It was noted the 2nd Paycheck Protection Program was approved and payment has been received.

Rob Wilson, Ground’s Committee Co-Chair stated he is working with a company about resolving the Hood Suppression System in the Hardin Northern Restaurant to bring it back into Code.  Indoor storage will be coming out on Saturday, April 10th and reminder letters will be sent to those storing items inside.  The application for the Community Foundation Grant was sent.  It was noted the Health Dept. is requesting the fair board to come up with a contract for them using the grounds for their vaccine clinics.  The Community Building will be set up on Tuesday morning at 9am for the Consignment Sale.

It was noted 49 follow up calls had to be made for those not making the fair camping deadline.  There were 5 campers who didn’t respond by any form of communication and they will be losing their camping spot.  There are approximately 30 spots for new campers this year and those calls will be made this month after current campers, who wanted to move spots are called.

The topic of using FairVault for livestock exhibitors is being tabled for this year’s fair. 

Sherri Beale, Jr Fair Board Advisor, discussed their plans for using the Grange Restaurant for concessions during the Consignment Sale.  She also stated the Children’s Pedal Tractor Pull is being moved to Sunday of the Fair at 3pm in the Shelter House. 

Jake McFadden, Sponsorship Committee Chairman, stated sponsorship packets have started to be returned.  The committee would like to thank Michael Angelo’s Pizza for being a new sponsor this year.

The directors agreed to purchase a contract through Tech Soup at $175 a year.  The directors also agreed to go ahead and form a Fair App.  Ticket sales will be able to be purchased through this app, too.  Quest Federal Credit Union has agreed to pay for this sponsorship for 2 years.  A huge thanks to them!  Fair Book final edits are currently underway.

Paul Ralston, Gates/Admission’s Co-Chair, gave an update on using Ticket Spice for gate entry and all admissions during the fair.  Ticket prices will need to be adjusted to cover the fee of using the system.  Directors agreed to go ahead with the new system with Daily Fair Admission prices changing to $10 from $8 and Season Ticket Prices changing to $25 from $20.  A person will no longer be able to purchase a Season Ticket in the office or exchange their daily gate ticket for a season ticket during the week of the fair.  After 5pm on Friday, Sept. 3rd at 5pm all Season Tickets will have to be purchased online.  If someone only has cash and has no access to a phone during the week of the fair, they will still be able to purchase their daily admission ticket with cash.  This new ticketing system will allow for a more accurate number in daily attendance at the fair.  Current Fair Campers will be grandfathered into this new system for their Season Tickets, since they have already paid for their Season Tickets.  It was noted gate worker contracts will be sent this month.

The board moved to increase all grandstand admission ticketing by $1 to incur the additional fee of using the new system. 

Paul Ralston gave his annual report for the Fair Foundation.  There were $4,734 in donations for the year 2020, with $3,730 coming from 88 Jr. Fair Exhibitors.  There was $16,749.58 made with a 14.46% rate.  Balance as of 12/31/2020 was $135,336.76.  Memorials were made in memory of Earl Thomas, Jim Dulin, Greg Herzog, Richard Barrett, JoAnn Erwin, Shane Kleman, Carol Wince, and Bill Oates.  And an honor was made for Jim & Marilyn Bidwell.  Donations can be made to Hardin Community Foundation – Fair Fund at P.O. Box 317, Kenton, Ohio, 43326.  Paul Ralston was appointed as another Fair Board Director representative to the Fair Foundation board. 

Under old business:

The Annual Consignment Sale will be Saturday, March 13th, starting at 9am.  Items can be consigned on Wednesday, March 10th from 4pm to dark, Thursday, March 11th and Friday, March 12th from 8am to dark.  All clerking will be done in the Community Building, not the Fair Office for social distancing. 

Under new business:

The OFMA District 1 & 2 Spring Meeting will be held at the Wood County Fairgrounds in Bowling Green, on Saturday, March 17th at 10am.  Judi needs know who wants to attend by Friday, March 12th.  Judi noted box seat payments need to be received by the end of this month.  Judi is currently working on the IRS 990, which is due April 15th, 2021. Fair judges will be due by the next board meeting.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th at 7pm, in the Arts/Crafts Building.