Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, June 2, 2021, for their June monthly board meeting. Eleven directors and eight guests were present.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Tori Korian, from Hardin County OSU Extension, stated she will be taking on a new job in Hancock County. She also stated all livestock registrations were due this week.
Tim Striker, Hardin County Commissioner, stated the Commissioners are receiving a large sum of money and are looking for projects in the County for this to be used for. They are requesting organizations to submit projects to them.
It was noted Bob Fish, past Fair Board Director and past Board President passed away today.
It was noted an Executive Committee Meeting needs set soon to review the Ground’s Superintendent Applications.
Corey Ledley stated he is working on a new 2 year gas contract, since our current gas contract ends July 31st, 2021. The board voted to have Gammon’s Tree Service trim 8 big oaks on the fair grounds for $200 per hour, 8 working hours. A work day to paint the race horse barn roofs, has been set for Saturday, July 24th, with a starting time of 7:30am. Work continues with the County Commissioners on paving and striping the new parking area.
Craig Stump, Camping Co-Chairman, stated he is working on a National Cushman Contract, with that event scheduled for next year in June. And, another event is being worked on for next year in September after the fair. It was noted there are still some fair camping spots available for this year’s fair.
Rob Wilson, entertainment chairman, stated he is working on getting a speaker for the Hour of Inspiration and music for the service. It was noted an updated contract is needed for the All American Petting Zoo. Rob will work on getting that contract.
Livestock Judges are still needed for Dairy and Beef. The Dairy Beef Feeder Weigh in was May 29th and there were 104 feeders weighed in and tagged. Sheep Weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, June 12th from 8am-10am and Goat Weigh in is scheduled for that same day, Saturday, June 12th from 10-11am. Jack McBride noted if an exhibitor chooses to take their animal back home, the 840 tags can not be cut off of the animal – that is a Federal Offense. Paul Ralston, Chairman of the Poultry Committee, stated the fair book stated poultry is not required to have pullorum testing done this year, but IT IS REQUIRED this year and a date will be set for the testing to occur.
It was noted if anyone is interested in having a vendor spot at the 2021 Hardin County Fair, they should go to and fill out a contract request form under the concession/vendor tab. All contracts are being done on line this year.
Sherri Beale, Jr Fair Board Advisor, stated she continues to look for a High School Art Judge. She also requested that on work day, during lunch, committees stay together with their senior fair board director and go over plans for the fair shows, etc.
Judi Cronley, stated there are a few organizations who haven’t paid for this year’s sponsorships. Reminders will be sent to them. It was decided that fair brochures will not be printed this year, since the fair will have a new app with all of the information on it and there will also be large screen TV’s located around the fairgrounds with information about the day’s events posted on them. There will be around 650 people in the community who will be receiving a post card, stating the way to view the 2021 Fair Premium Book.
Kolt Buchenroth, stated the large screen TV’s, I Phones and I Pads for the gates and other misc. items have been purchased. Kolt also stated sponsors will be receiving thank you cards for being a 2021 sponsor.
Under old business:
Gate workers are still needed for Saturday of the Fair and Wednesday morning of the Fair.
Open Class judges are still needed for Wine, HS Art, Woodworking, Photography, and Flowers.
Under new business: It was noted the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture is granted each fair in Ohio $50,000. Judi noted the 2nd quarter Newsletter will be sent soon. It was also noted 3 large family events chose to cancel in July, d/t the COVID pandemic. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 7th at 7pm, in the Arts/Crafts Building.