Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, September 1, 2021, for their September monthly board meeting. Nineteen directors and eighteen guests were present.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Amanda Raines, OSU 4-H Extension, asked the question about JR Fair Livestock exhibitors that end up being quarantined during the fair. She was told the same policy about this, that was implemented last year, will still hold true for this year. The policy can be found on the Fair’s website.
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension, stated the Carcass Show will be done virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 21st. It will be posted as soon as the video gets edited that day.
Stephanie Jolliff, Ridgemont FFA Advisor, stated the county FFA groups would like to donate their money they receive for having a display during the fair, be donated back to the Fair to purchase trees. The directors thanked the FFA Advisors for this donation.
Danielle Sheldon and her daughter-in-law Kara expressed their frustration with not receiving their rental deposit. The directors felt firm on their decision.
Under correspondence, a letter was read from Sue Naus and Stephanie Kah. Kah was interested in posting flyers on vehicles during the fair and the directors don’t want this happening for soliciting purposes and the amount of litter it will cause. Brad Murphy, Board Vice President, will correspond with Stephanie and let her know.
Charlie McCullough, Chairman of the Development Committee, showed the preliminary plan for the new multi-use facility. McCullough stated the County Commissioners decided to fund the initial $30,000 proposal for the plans. Initially there was interest money received from the Fair Foundation to help fund some of the proposal, so that money was returned to the Fair Foundation to be used later. The new facility is to have a wraparound porch for sitting areas, have offices, a board room, show arena and have retractable bleachers, along with space for all of the livestock. It will be 100,000 square feet. The plan will be available for viewing during the week of the fair in the show arena area. Members on the committee include Charlie McCullough, Jake McFadden, Jack McBride, Dale Cockerell, Rob Wilson, Craig Stump, Corey Ledley, Kelly Buchenroth, Jacob Johnson, Ben Hensel, Matt Jennings, Chip Root, Luke Underwood and Brent Good.
Rob Wilson, Co Superintendent of the ground’s committee, stated Gammon’s Tree Service has cut down several trees that were dead and will be back after the fair to finish cutting down more trees. The work being done in the Hardin Northern Restaurant is now done. Fire Extinguishers and kitchen hoods were inspected this month. Grounds have been sprayed and the barns will be finished tomorrow. Winter indoor storage begins Oct. 1st at $25 a month for vehicles and $10 per linear foot for boats, trailers, campers, RV’s, etc. It was noted the directors will be having their nightly meetings during the fair, too.
Craig Stump, Camping Co-Chairman, stated the National Cushman Contract is now complete and has been sent for their signature. All fair camping spots have been rented for this year, but if anyone wants to camp in the primitive lot – that is still available. Hang tags & paperwork for Fair Campers are ready for pick up in the Fair Office. Campers can be brought to the fairgrounds on Friday, Sept. 3, Saturday, Sept. 4, Sunday, Sept. 5 or Monday Sept. 6th. Camping spots will be marked on Thursday.
Rob Wilson, entertainment chairman, stated on line grandstand tickets are available to purchase for all grandstand events and general admission will be sold at the ticket booth for each event. Pit pass wristbands will still be able to be purchased at the entrances to the pits, along with passes already purchased on line. Box seat tickets are ready to be picked up in the Fair Office. It was noted 8 bikes have been donated by Wal-Mart for give a ways. Dr. Cath Ann Kress, VP of Agricultural Administration and Dean of the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at OSU will be the speaker for the Hour of Inspiration and music will be provided by Shay Bolton and Lilly Brautigam from ONU.
Corey Ledley, Dairy Chairman, stated the Dairy Parlor that is on grounds will not be open during the fair. Livestock Chairman will have livestock release times posted Monday evening after all weigh ins are finished.
Brad Murphy, Concession and Vendor Chairman, stated there are several new concessionaires and vendors coming to the fair this year. Tents and drapery in the buildings have all been put up.
The JR Fair board office will have the Livestock Exhibitor wristbands, back tags and Foundation T-Shirts from 8am-6pm on Monday, Sept. 6th – Labor Day.
Jake McFadden, Advertising Chairman, stated sponsorship signs for grandstand events will be posted on the North side of the Grandstand, facing the gazebo. Large screen TV’s with information about fair events will be displayed around the fairgrounds during the week of the fair.
The Tech. Committee has put new sound in the gazebo and there has been WI FI upgrades made throughout the fairgrounds.
The Emergency Management Meeting minutes from August 18th were approved.
Under old business:
The Fair Office will be open this weekend on Saturday from 9-5pm, Sunday from 12 noon – 5pm and Monday (Labor Day) from 9am-9pm. Fair Hat pins are available in the Fair Office.
Under new business:Open class entry tags can be picked up in the office starting this Friday 9-5pm, Saturday 9-5pm, Sunday 12-5pm and Monday starting at 9am. Membership $2.00 add on’s to Season Tickets can be purchased until Oct. 15th in the Fair Office. Reminder – all JR Class and Open Class premium money will be sent to exhibitors in check form after the fair is over. Petitions for the November Election for fair board directors are due by Friday, Oct. 29th at 4pm. Up for election this year: Dudley, Goshen, Lynn, Roundhead, Washington Twp’s and 2 director at large positions. Also there is still a director needed for Taylor Creek Twp. for a 2 year term. Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions need to have a 2021 membership ticket. Anyone interested in a petition needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Wednesday, Oct. 13th at 4pm. Then the petition needs to be returned by Friday, Oct. 29th at 4pm. Just a reminder, if you are interested in running for a position, you need to come to the Oct. board meeting to state your intentions. The directors decided at this meeting to allow the sale of season tickets throughout the week of the fair. This replaces the previous rule that ended the sale of season passes on Friday, Sept. 3rd at the end of business day. Guests can also exchange a daily pass for a season ticket like in years past by visiting the Fair Office. Paul Ralston, Gates Committee Chairman, said “We heard the feedback of our community about the new ticketing process and hope this change will allow easier entry into our great fair.” Tickets will continue to also be sold on line at Directors agreed to purchase the champion hogs and steers at the livestock sale. Directors also agreed to purchase $500 at the JR Fair Livestock sale. It was noted there will not be an Appreciation Dinner right after the fair this year. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 6th at 7pm, in the Fair Office.