February Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Guests
  3. Correspondence
  4. Minutes of last meeting  
  5. Financial Reports
  6. Bills to Approve
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Strategic Planning
      1. Meeting needs scheduled to review the strategic plan with 2021 financials added
    3. Development Committee
    4. Grounds Committee
    5. Camping Committee
      1. All current fair camper rent is due by Monday, Feb. 21st.
    6. Entertainment Committee
    7. Livestock Committees
      1. 11 livestock exhibitor checks have not been cashed (6 families)
    8. Rides and Concessions
    9. Junior Fair Board Report 
    10. Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
    11. Tech. Committee
    12. Other Committees
    13. Fair Book
  8. Old Business:
    1. 34th Annual Consignment Sale is Saturday, March 12th, starting at 9am.  Drop off times for items are Wednesday, 4-6:30pm; Thursday, 8-6:30pm; Friday, 8-6:30pm.  More information on the sale can be found on our website.
  9. New Business:
    1. Consignment Sale Help
    2. Gates – College Day
  10. Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, March 2nd at 7pm.