February Board Meeting Minutes

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, February 2, 2022, for their February monthly board meeting.  Fifteen directors and six guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Doug Chivington, a long distance cyclist, requested to use the fairgrounds to do a world ultra-cycling record.  This would also be a fundraiser for Military Veterans.  He would be making a record in the 60-69 age group.  This is a 124 mile non-stop cycling record.  He will be offered a day to use the fairgrounds on a day the office is closed in the spring with a rental price.

Paul Ralston, representing the Hardin County Fair Foundation, gave the 2021 financial report.  There were $6,244.26 in donations, with $2,385.00 of that being from JR Fair exhibitors.  Balance as of December 31, 2021 was $162,597.86.  No disbursements were made in 2021.  Funding is available for 2022 projects, at $21,016.84.  Paul also discussed changes his committee wants to make for the grains & hay section of the fair.  The biggest change will be that any class that has less than 4 entries will only receive one placing/premium or be judged with similar classes.  Fair premiums for this section of the fair is also being increased, to try and draw more exhibitors to enter these classes.

Mark Badertscher, from OSU Extension, stated the horse banquet is Sunday, February 20th at 12:30pm.  This banquet will be held at the Kenton Moose.  Tickets need to be purchased ahead of time.

A thank you was read from Klayten Chamberlin.

Kolt Buchenroth stated he will be sending out an anonymous survey to all directors and staff to update goals for the Strategic Plan.  Then a board working session will be held to discuss those goals and make edits to the current strategic plan.

Judi Cronley, stated a payment has been made for the project design of the new multi-use facility.

Randy Clark stated he is working on scheduling Tice Construction to grind down cracks in the Community Building floor.  He is also working on setting a preliminary date to paint the interior of the Community Building. The Society’s current mower and a trailer owned by the society will be put in the Consignment Sale.

Judi Cronley, Hardin County Fair Secretary/Treasurer, stated fair camping payments have started to come in.  So far she has received notice from 5 campers that they no longer want to camp.  Current fair campers have until February 21st to pay for their site.  New campers will be called in March.

It was noted the Demo Derby contract with Derbydog, LLC has been signed.  Jami Dellifield has given the entertainment committee a rough draft for a cheerleading competition to be held on Sunday afternoon of the fair.

Judi noted there are still 10 exhibitors who have not cashed their JR Fair Livestock Exhibitor checks.  Those checks need to be cashed by the end of the week.

Brad Murphy, representing the Concession’s Dept., stated he is having a conference call with a Coke distributer and several local commodity groups tomorrow morning.

It was noted sponsorship packets will be sent soon.  They are being done on line this year and will be mailed.  Next year they will totally be done on line.  An advertising budget for the Consignment Sale was established.  It was also noted the last day to advertise items for the Consignment Sale is Friday, Feb. 18th.  Having a “College Day”, for a day of the fair, was discussed.  Some modifications for this day needs to be made before it is approved.  A committee was formed to review the 2022 Fair Premium Book, line by line, before it is brought to the whole fair board for approval and final print. 

Under old business:

The 34th Annual consignment Sale is Saturday, March 12th, starting at 9am.  Drop off times for items are Wednesday, 4-6:30pm; Thursday, 8-6:30pm; and Friday, 8-6:30pm.  The Community Building will be utilized as the office, like last year.  More information on the sale can be found on our Fair website at www.hardincountyfair.org.

Under new business:

Brad Murphy stated a golf cart rental contract needs finalized.  Dale Cockerell nominated himself, to represent the Fair Board, on the Hardin County Fair Foundation with Rob Wilson.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd at 7pm.