July Board Meeting Slated

  1. Call to Order
  2. Guests (3-5 minute speaking time allotted)
  3. Correspondence  
  4. Minutes of last meeting  
  5. Financial Reports
  6. Bills to Approve
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Strategic Planning
    3. Development Committee
    4. Grounds Committee
      1. Grounds Work Day is set for Saturday, August 6th – starting at 8am
      2. All vehicles in storage need to be out by the end of the month – reminders will be sent.
      3. Tree(s) donated by FFA with their fair premium money ($600)
      4. Tackett Fence proposal $4,290, to redo West gate entrance.
    5. Camping Committee
    6. Entertainment Committee
    7. Livestock Committees
    8. Rides and Concessions
      1. Vendor/concession applications are online and you can still apply for a spot.
    9. JR Fair Board Report
    10. Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
    11. Tech. Committee
  8. New Business
  9. Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, August 3rd at 7pm.