Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society would like to honor Ray Davis for his many year of service to the Hardin County Fair. Ray has served as a director-at-large since 1979 to present. He has served as President and Vice President of the society and on many committees including goat, draft horse and beef Superintendent, grounds, entertainment, concession and rides, adult showmanship, shuttle and executive & budgeting. Ray always enjoying attending the Ohio Fair Managers Convention, where he attends many educational sessions and has helped with their annual auction and registration. He also has attended the International Association of Fairs and Expositions convention in Las Vegas.
Ray attended Mount Victory-Dudley school for 10 years and graduated from Kenton High School in 1957. He was a 9 year 4-H member and 4 year member for the FFA and showed hogs, sheep and dairy cattle at the fair.
He retired from Rockwell in 1997 after 33 years of employment and owns the family farm south of Kenton where he raises goats, cattle and grain crops. Ray is Past President of the Ohio Dairy Goat Association, member of the Hardin County Draft Horse Association, Hardin County Cattle Producers and in 2003 received the Hardin County Cattle producer award, Hardin County Coon Hunters, 60 plus year member of the Painter Creek Grange and the Kenton Elks Lodge 157 where he was named Elk of the Year in 1978 for his work in calling their Bingo events for 5 years.
Ray attends the Ridgeway Church of God. He is a 32 year 4-H adviser for the Hootenanny 4-H Club. He is a past member of the 4-H council. Ray enjoys fishing at the Hardin quarry
Ray’s wife Dolores, who passed away in 2010, was also active in the fair helping in the antique department, planting flowers and driving the shuttles. They have three sons Craig (Darla) Shaw of Mount Victory, Curt (Peble Click) Shaw and Ernie (Amy) Davis of Kenton, three grandsons Jeffery Shaw, Isaac and Seth Davis and one great grandson Owen Shaw.