Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Saturday, July 1, 2017, at the Hardin County Fairgrounds for their monthly board meeting. Twenty directors were present and 17 guests were present.
Howard Lyle, President, called the meeting to order.
Mark Badertscher, representing the OSU Extension Office, stated that the Hardin County Farm Bureau is interested in purchasing some trees for the fairgrounds. This interest was sent to the ground’s committee. Maryilyn Bidwell stated some rugs in the community building have come up missing and 2 more need to be purchased. Pete Fout stated he would take care of that.
Brad Murphy spoke on behalf of the Executive Committee. He brought up the issue of security concerns and foot traffic through the secretary’s office during the week of the fair. The executive committee wanted the secretary’s office door locked after 12:00 on Tuesday of the fair and for it to stay locked the duration of the fair. The Executive committee’s thought was to have all foot traffic and fair issues diverted to the fair office, with the concession’s office issues to be routed through there as well. This request was voted down 13 to 6 after hearing issues of why it shouldn’t be done that way by the concession’s dept. This issue will continue to be researched by the concession’s dept. and the executive dept.
Craig Stump also spoke on behalf of the Executive Committee about horse fun shows occurring during horse 4-H clubs designated work out nights. This issue is going to be talked in more depth with the horse council. A work session for the executive committee was formed to talk about the amount of meal tickets being used during the week of the fair and money spent on the OFMA convention by the fair board directors each year. That meeting is set for Tuesday, July 11th at 6:30pm. The board moved to have some consignment sale money and off season camping money transferred to a capital improvement fund.
Jim Bidwell spoke on behalf of the Grounds Committee. It was noted the Ohio Ag. Society Facilities Grant was finished this week and the last request for payment was turned in. Three trees on the fairgrounds have been cut down, due to dyeing. Kelly Buchenroth spoke about the ventilation project that is being worked on for the dairy beef feeder barn. Taylor Creek Lads and Lassies have been fundraising for this project and have donated $5,650 so far for the fans. Each fan cost $2,841, plus shipping. The board moved to purchase 2 fans for the dairy beef feeder barn. The board also moved to purchase a fan for the show arena. A work day to paint the exterior of the Merchant’s building and the steel in the show arena was set for Saturday, July 8th at 8am. A sound system, with hook ups for tents, for the new show arena was approved. The next ground’s committee meeting is set for Tuesday, July 18th at 7pm.
It was noted the Ag. Society is still waiting on the State Camping License. There are currently 5 fair campers who have not paid for their camping spots for 2017. These are new campers for this year. Craig Stump stated a camping meeting needs set to discuss camping during the fair.
Judi Cronley, gave an update on how ticket sales were going for the Lauren Alaina Concert. Ticket sales continue on the Fair’s website through pay pal and in the office on Wednesday and Fridays from 9am-4pm. The Fair Office will be open on July 4th for those wishing to purchase tickets that day.
Livestock judges are still needed for the Wednesday Beef Show and one for the Rabbit Show. Weigher licenses need signed by a couple of people and it was noted those will be done in March next year, since they are dated May to May. Jeff Madison stated rabbit tattooing will be Saturday, August 12th from 9am-11am at the fairgrounds. Don Spar stated the livestock weigh scales are hopefully going to be tested on Wednesday, August 2nd. He also stated he will be ordering livestock animal tags soon.
It was noted vendor and concession contracts deadline for payment was June 15th, follow-calls have been made
and some new contracts have been sent.
It was noted the Jr. Fair Board will be donating $696 to the fair board for the new rails at the gazebo.
Under old business:
Judi still needs judges for open class grain/hay, fruit & vegetables, open class culinary, open class wine, open class cultural arts, open class youth, pie day, open class decorative painting, open class woodworking, open class fine arts, high school art and high school ag. Education.
Box Seat money was due June 30th and 3 current box seat holders have not paid. They will be called this week to see if they are still going to need box seats.
Jr. Fair entries are due at the end of this month – July 31st.
The USV Lion’s Club has agreed to work the grandstand ticket booth during the fair and a contract for them has been sent.
Under new business:
The 2nd quarter fair newsletter has been delivered by email.
There are currently 5 vehicles that are still being stored and invoices will go out this week to those owners. The vehicles have to be gone by the end of July.
Open class on line entries will open on August 1st and close on Friday, August 18th.
The Fair Office will start to be open Monday through Friday from 9-5pm on Monday, August 7th.
Season tickets will go on sale in the community starting Monday, August 1st,’
Fair brochures and placemats have been ordered and 2017 Hardin County Fair T-Shirts are now on sale in the Secretary’s office.
The next regular board meeting will be Saturday, August 5th at 7:30pm in the arts and crafts building.