Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural society met with President, Howard Lyle presiding. 18 directors along with 21 Hardin County Agricultural Society members were present.
The minutes of last year’s annual meeting were read. Kelly Buchenroth moved they be approved as read. Greg Liedel seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ray Davis moved the price of a membership and season ticket be set at $20.00, the same as last year. Jeff Madison seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Greg Liedel moved that Director’s pay continue to be an annual price of $1.00. Jim Bidwell seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The annual conflict of interest document for 2017/18 was given to every director and signed by all directors in attendance.
Mark Light and Kolt Buchenroth moved to have the Annual Meeting in either the Arts/Crafts Building or the Community Building due to the large number of members attending the annual meeting. Motion passed.
Judi Cronley suggested the Constitution of the Hardin County Agricultural Society be revised. Director resignations were then discussed. Kolt Buchenroth and Justin Beale moved that a director does not need to resign from their current position, when they decide to run for a different director position. Then Greg Liedel and Kolt Buchenroth amended the motion to state when a Township Director moves to a different Township during their term, they need to resign after the fair of that year. Motion passed. . Kolt Buchenroth and Dale Cockerell moved that once a director is elected to another position and it is announced at the annual re-organizational meeting, that director needs to turn in a letter of resignation so they can be sworn into their new position. Motion passed.
Ray Davis then thanked the board for his many years of being a director. Judi Cronley stated the fair board is losing 97 years of knowledge in 4 directors resigning. Ray Davis – 39 years, Jim Bidwell – 33 years, Kerry James – 14 years, and Jeff Madison – 11 years.
Next year’s annual meeting, with the annual election to be held on the same day from 3-7pm, will be on Nov. 3rd, 2018.
Kolt Buchenroth moved to adjourn and Dale Cockerell seconded the motion. Motion carried.