Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met on Saturday, November 4th with Howard Lyle, Acting President, presiding.
Howard Lyle reported the election results:
McDonald Township: Dan Beale
Blanchard Township: Rob Wilson
Cessna Township: Jack McBride
Dudle Township: Brad Murphy
Lynn Township: Paul Ralston
Marion Township: Craig Decker
Taylor Creek Township: Kelly Buchenroth
Top 2 At-Large Director winners: Charlie McCullough and Jeff Morris
Letters of resignations were received from Charlie McCullough for Buck Township and Kelly Buchenroth, an At-Large Position. Janie Seiler and Craig Stump moved to accept the letters of resignation. Motion passed.
All directors present were sworn into office by Judi Cronley, notarizer.
With 39 members paid for 2018, the election of officers was held. Kelly Buchenroth moved to nominate Craig Stump for President and Rob Wilson seconded the motion. Corey Ledley moved to close the nominations, with Andrew Scharf seconding that motion. Motion passed. Kelly Buchenroth moved to nominate Corey Ledley for Vice President and Justin Beale seconded the motion. Rob Wilson moved to close the nominations with Mark Garmon seconding that motion. Motion passed.
Janie Seiler moved to keep the monthly meeting dates, the 1st Saturday of each month at 7:30pm. Paul Rickenbacher seconded the motion. Then Paul Ralston and Mark Garmon moved to only approve the dates until the March meeting and then discuss a different date. Motion approved. Mark Garmon and Andrew Scharf moved to keep the Annual Meeting and Re-organizational meeting on November 3rd, 2018 at 7:30pm. Motion passed.
Mark Garmon moved to adjourn the meeting and Justin Beale seconded the motion. Motion carried.