Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Thursday, December 21, 2017, at the Plaza Inn in Mt. Victory for their January board meeting and Holiday Dinner. Nighteen directors were present and 30 guests were present.
Craig Stump, President, called the meeting to order.
Judi Cronley, Notary for the Hardin County Ag. Society, swore in Dale Cockerell, newly appointed Director at Large.
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Agent, stated all steers need to be registered by Wednesday, Dec. 27th and then be weighed at the fairgrounds on Saturday, Dec. 30th between the hours of 10am-12 noon.
Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated his thankfulness to the board and since attending the board meetings this past year– has discovered how much work the directors put into the fairgrounds all year long.
Luke Underwood, Deputy County Engineer, thanked the board for inviting him to the dinner and stated how appreciative he is of the directors and also made the directors aware of a drainage project that will affect the fairgrounds.
Craig Stump then honored the newly past directors – Kerry James for 14 years on the board, Jim Bidwell for 33 years on the board and Ray Davis for 39 years on the Board. Not present was Jeff Madison, who served 11 years on the board.
Corey Ledley, Vice President and Chair of the Executive Committee discussed the Fair Committee Assignments for the 2018 Fair. Judi Cronley discussed the 2017 Annual Report, which then was approved. It was noted the loan to Quest Federal Credit Union has been paid off and employees have received their bonus checks. A list of the meeting dates for 2018 were also announced.
Kelly Buchenroth, chairman of the Grounds Committee, stated they will be meeting after the OFMA convention in January.
Craig Stump, chairman of the Camping Committee, discussed the meeting that was held with Rick Bard of the Cushman’s Group. The board accepted the committee’s recommendations for charging the group. This proposal will be given to the group and they will let the board know in January of their decision. Craig also discussed a conversation he had with Sue Bailey, representing the Top 20, in regards to using either the Arts/Crafts Building or Community Building for a weekly practice for a couple of hours, for the next 3 months. The board accepted a recommendation on payment.
Rob Wilson, representing the entertainment committee, stated they are still in talks about Saturday night’s entertainment and he will be researching possibilities for Wednesday night’s entertainment at the OFMA Convention.
Don Spar, chairperson of the Livestock Committee, stated there will be a Jr. Fair Livestock Sale Committee Meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 17th at 7pm in the fair office, followed by the Livestock Committees meeting after that meeting.
Sherri Beale stated the Jr. Fair board members have been set for 2018 and hopes some of them will be able to attend the OFMA convention in January.
There was no Old Business to discuss.
Under new business: