Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, March 7, 2018, for their first Wednesday night regular board meeting. Nineteen directors were present and 13 guests were present.
Craig Stump, the President, called the meeting to order.
Kolt Buchenroth, stated there have been 50,000 Consignment Sale Posts off of the original post. There have been a lot of new categories added to the fair book and some of them have been posted through social media.
Ron Eastman spoke about his bid for running for County Commissioner.
Roger Crowe, County Commissioner, stated the check for 2018 appropriations to the Hardin County Ag. Society has been sent.
Denna Clem, Chairperson of the 4th of July Committee, stated sponsorship letters have been mailed and reminded everyone that the start of the day on the 4th, will start with the kick off of the parade. The board moved to advance the 4th of July Committee $7500.
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Agent, stated livestock banquets continue and will be wrapping up soon.
Rick Smith, Superintendent of Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, spoke about their issue on the ballot. He stated this will be the first time in 40 years that they will be on the ballot.
Nancy Rickenbacher, from the Jr. Fair Board, stated they continue to look for more sponsors for trophies and ribbons. President for Jr. Fair Board this year is Nathan Matheson, Vice President is Chase Fleece and Secretary is McKenzie Jolliff
Mike Stock asked the board about renting a building for him to store a semi and offer skid sales out of it. The board agreed to let the ground’s committee decide on a price for him.
A correspondence was read from the family of Tom Kritzler. They would like a utility cart or something like it purchased with the money donated in his memory.
Four proposals for septic prices during the week of the fair were discussed. The board moved to accept the bid from F&L Septic. The recommendations from the ground’s committee on issues dealing with the Machinery Building, fencing, and portable steps were approved. A couple issues for the County Engineer were discussed.
Rob Wilson, representing the entertainment committee moved to keep the truck/tractor pull gate prices and demo derby gates prices the same as last year. $6 for general admission, $8 for reserved seats, and $10 for pit tickets. The band and choir show tickets will also remain the same as last year. They will be $4 for general admission and $5 for reserved seats.
Jeff Morris, Chairperson of the goat committee stated they have changed the “Just Kidding around Goat Fun Day’ from Sunday afternoon to Thursday evening of the fair. It was determined there will not be any changes to how livestock judging grades are done this year. Nonlivestock judging grade premiums were changed to $2 for an A, $1 for a B, and no money for a C.
Janie Seiler, the chairperson of the rides committee, stated there were 180 contracts mailed today for concession and vendor spots. Janie also discussed an opportunity to have a combine simulator at the Fair from the Hardin County Farm Bureau. The board agreed this was a good idea.
It was noted sponsorship packets have been mailed and those are due back by March 14th, to be advertised in the fair book.
There is still an opportunity for a group that has a 501-C-3 status, to work the fair gates on Friday of the fair. The group would receive $1000 and around 35 volunteers would be needed to fulfill their obligations. Any qualified group interested should call the Fair Secretary’s office at 419-675-2396.
Under old business:
The consignment sale is this Saturday, March 10th at 9am, with items being dropped off Wednesday – Friday 9am-5:30pm, March 7-9th. Those interested in attending the Dist. I & II meeting in Jenera, Ohio were announced. Judi Cronley noted that all non-livestock fair book changes are needed now. The 2018 fair book is being finalized this month.
Under new business:
Brad Murphy discussed a new Horse Show Rental Agreement. The new agreement was approved. Brad also discussed the need for a racing timer and pole bending set for the horse arena and the board OK’d those to be purchased. Judges for non-livestock and livestock are needed w/email addresses by April 4th to Judi Cronley. The opening time of the fair was moved to 12 noon on Tuesday, Sept. 4th, to help accommodate those wanting to attend other events starting at 1pm. Jr. Fair online entry deadline will be the same as last year, July 31st at midnight. Open Class entry deadline will be Friday, August 17th at 5pm in the office or online at midnight. It was noted campers, trailers, boats, etc. will come out of storage Saturday, April 14th. Kelly Buchenroth stated the bucket truck from AEP has been repainted and rust spots have been fixed. The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, April 4th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office.
Corey Ledley and Howard Lyle moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss some issues regarding the consignment sale. Pete Fout and Judi Cronley were requested to stay at the meeting. The meeting began at 8:49pm and ended at 8:59pm.
The regular meeting reconvened at 9pm. The board moved to accept the bids from the Executive Session.
Charlie McCullough moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mark Garmon. Motion passed.