Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, June 27, 2018, for their July board meeting. Twenty directors and seven guests were present.
Craig Stump, President, called the meeting to order.
Kolt Buchenroth introduced a fair logo which the board approved.
Doris Kissling, from the 4th of July committee, passed out the flyer for the 4th of July.
Mark Light, OSU 4-H Extension Agent, stated the last date for Jr Fair Livestock Exhibitors to go through Quality Assurance is Wednesday, July 11th from 10am-12noon at the Community Building. He also stated the horse clubs have been scraping old paint off of the 4-H horse barn, will be power washing it and repainting it in August.
Kelly Buchenroth, representing the ground’s committee, discussed their minutes from June 20th. The board moved to put up a chain length fence behind the West Fair Campers, once the pins are located. A work day for July 21st, starting around 7am was set. It was approved to have a bus for the week of the fair, just in case of a heavy rain. A new 36 month fixed gas rate contract at $4.38 was approved. The June electric bill was discussed, showing the new stipulation including the County Fair transmission supplement. County fairs are now being billed on a per kilo-watt hour (kWh) basis for their transmission service in lieu of the old billing structure based on a per kilowatt (kW) basis.
Craig Stump, representing the Camping Committee, stated all fair camping spots have been rented for the 2018 Hardin County Fair. Primitive Camping is still available for $75. He announced the group Good Sams, an RV club, will be renting the fairgrounds for years 2019, 2020, and 2021.
An update on how ticket sales were going for the Saturday night concert with Dylan Scott and opener “Brown and Gray” was discussed. All tickets, including reserved seats, can be purchased by going to the fair’s website or by coming in to the office on Wednesday or Friday’s between 9am-4pm. Posters for the concert are available in the Secretary’s office, if anyone would like to display at their business. The board agreed to have a tug-a-truck contest on Wednesday night of the fair, at 7pm, in the grandstand. Registration for the contest will be on that Wednesday, Sept. 5th, from 5-6:45pm in the pit area. There will be 4 classes and prize money for 3 places. Truck entry is $10 for your first entrant and $20 for any truck after the 1st. Pit passes will be $10 and grandstand admission will be free for all seats.
A lengthy discussion was held about a new rule for the sheep dept. for next year. More on that discussion will be released in January 2019.
Janie Seiler, chairperson of the rides/concession’s dept., stated contracts for vendors and concessions were due June 15th. New vendors are currently being notified about availability. The board agreed to reject a request from Steve Gossard, Hardin County Veteran’s Board, about wanting an exception to only have a fair booth on Tuesday of the fair and not for the whole week. The board does not give exceptions to that rule, renters rent for the whole week – not just one day.
Sherri Beale, representing the Jr. Fair Board, presented a check to the fair board for the fair sponsorships.
Judi Cronley presented a new fundraiser for the 2018 Hardin County Fair. They are commemorative Hardin County Fair signs, which would display the fair book premium book cover. The signs would be 11.25”x7.5” and would be made by Tim Roby at Scioto Sign Co., Inc. The board moved to go ahead and purchase 100 signs and sell at a price of $10 each.
Howard Lyle, representing the 4th of July committee, discussed the fireworks display will be the largest for the Hardin County Fairgrounds to date. He discussed the minutes from their last meeting and their 4th of July wrap up meeting will be on July 23rd at 7pm in the fair office.
Under old business:
Non Livestock judges are still needed for Pie Day, Photography, and Decorative Painting. Howard Lyle and Kelly Buchenroth discussed the highlights of the Dist. 2 spring meeting held in June. Box Seat payments are due this week. Jr. Fair entries are due on line by July 31st, which includes all Jr Fair livestock and non-livestock Jr. Fair entries.
Under new business:
Open class entries can start to be entered on August 1st until Friday, August 17th. The Fair Office will start to be opened on Wed., August 1st and Friday, August 3rd from 9am-4pm and then Monday – Friday – starting August 6th from 9am-5pm until after the fair. All reserved tickets for grandstand shows can start to be purchased on August 1st in the fair office. Season Tickets will start to go on sale in the community starting Monday, August 6th. The 2nd quarter Fair Newsletter will be going out this week, too.
The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, August 1st at 7:00pm in the Arts/Crafts Building. Note: change in location!