Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
Petitions for Director of Hardin County Agricultural Society are available in the Secretary’s Office on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 4:00pm. They are due October 26th at 4:00pm in the Secretary’s Office. Persons pulling petitions must be registered members of the society by October 15th.
Excerpt from the Constitution of the Hardin County Agricultural Society, section pertaining to elections:
Section 1. The annual election for directors shall be by ballot at the time and place determined by the Board of Directors and announced three weeks prior to the holding thereof, in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the county, or by letter mailed to each member.
Section 2. Members of the Society shall
be permitted to vote for only those candidates who are residents of the same township as the member of the society voting, except that all members of the Society shall have the right to vote for a candidate running as a director-at-large. The casting of votes for directors by proxies is not permitted.Section 3. Members of the Society shall declare their candidacy for the office of director by filing with the Secretary of the Society a petition, signed by ten or more members of the Society who are residents of the town- ship they would represent if elected, seven days before the annual election of directors is held. The official ballot shall contain only the names of those candidates who have filed the required petition. Section 4. The annual election of the So- ciety shall be held by three judges and two clerks appointed by the President. Section 5. Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, refusal to qualify, removal from township or city, or other causes may be filled by the Board from the general membership until the next annual election, when a director shall be elected for the unexpired term. Section 6 If a Township Director moves out of their township that they are representing or moves out of Hardin County during the year, they do not need to resign until after the end of the Hardin County Fair of that year. Section 7 If a director is elected for an- other position on the fair board, that direc- tor needs to resign at the re-organizational meeting by turning in a letter of resignation, so they can be sworn into their new position.
Section 8. The term of the Board of Directors will commence on December 1.Section 9. Directors shall be a resident of the township in which they are a candidate or a Director except for the circumstances designated in section 5.