Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural society met with President, Craig Stump presiding. 18 directors along with 13 Hardin County Agricultural Society members present.
The minutes of last year’s annual meeting were read. Paul Ralston moved they be approved as read. Charlie McCullough seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Dale Cockerell moved the price of a membership and season ticket be set at $20.00, the same as last year. Jack McBride seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Paul Ralston and Justin Beale moved to have the Director’s pay set at an annual price of $2.00. Jack McBride and Jason Fulton amended the motion to be $1 for the Director’s Pay. Motion passed.
The annual conflict of interest document for 2018/19 was given to every director and signed by all directors in attendance.
Brad Murphy, representing the executive committee, proposed some constitution changes. Paul Ralston and Jason Fulton moved to change the constitution to state “when a Township has less than 20 Society members, at which time the minimum number of signatures required for that township would be 50% of the total number of Society members who are residents of the township they would represent if elected”. Motion passed. Paul Ralston and Andrew Scharf moved to add “Candidates filing a petition for the position of director must attend one Board meeting, and accumulate a total of eight volunteer work hours toward the Board, prior to the election and in the same calendar year as the election, before being placed on the official ballot.” This motion failed by one vote. Paul Ralston and Mark Garmon moved to add “A vacancy filled by the board may include a member from a township where there are already three active directors, provided Section 9 of Article V cannot be met.” Motion passed.
Judi Cronley will file an updated copy of the constitution with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Next year’s annual meeting, with the annual election to be held on the same day from 3-7pm, will be on Nov. 2nd, 2019.
Dale Cockerell moved to adjourn and Dan Beale seconded the motion. Motion carried.