Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, February 6, 2019, for their February board meeting. Fourteen directors were present and thirteen guests were present.
Brad Murphy, Vice President, called the meeting to order.
Doris Kissling made an announcement that this will be her last year working in the fair office, she then thanked everyone for the work they do for the fair.
Mark Badertscher, county extension agent, stated all board members are invited to the many livestock banquets that are coming up. A new change is that the dairy beef feeder exhibitors have been included in the dairy banquet and those livestock exhibitors can apply for the dairy scholarships, too.
Kenny Kearns asked about having the draft horse show again during the fair. The board moved to have the draft horse show during the fair.
Roger Crowe, County Commissioner, stated that the $10,000 appropriations for the fair were approved and the check is in the mail.
Steve Searson, representing the Pork Producers, asked the board about adding a few items to their menu during the fair. The board approved them to add pork wings and nachos with cheese and BBQ pork.
The board moved to keep the prices for box seats, gate admission and open class entries the same as last year. Gary and Patty Casteel were nominated as the 2019 Fair Honorees.
The board moved to keep camping rates the same as last year.
It was announced that there will be KOI drag racing on Wednesday night of the fair. Free entertainment during the fair will be the Columbus Zoo on Friday and Sunday, COSI on Saturday, a Petting Zoo Tuesday – Saturday, Team Zoom Dog Show Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Bear Hollow wood carver Thursday – Saturday.
Minutes from the Junior Fair Livestock Sale Committee Meeting were discussed. Buyers will have the opportunity to purchase add on bids through the Fair’s website using Pay Pal.
Janie Seiler, chairman of the rides/concession committee stated ride prices through Durant Amusements will stay the same.
Sherri Beale, JR Fair Board Advisor, stated the first Jr. Fair Board Meeting will be Monday, February 25th at 8pm in the Community Building.
Minutes from the advertising/sponsorship/tech committee meeting were discussed. Wireless equipment will be installed around grounds of the fair grounds. There will be an 8 hour use per sign in to use the internet during the fair and after the 8 hours, the person using the internet will need to sign in again. There will be a sponsorship glossy portfolio used this year. Golf cart sponsorships have been increased to $200 this year. A new promotional item will be started this year, being a Log & Jotter booklet. Brochures will totally be redone this year, making them a color/glossy fold out. It was also noted a new battery back for the office needs to be purchased. Lastly, the 2019 advertising budget was approved
The Gates/Admission’s Committee stated they will be having a meeting with the volunteer gate groups in the next 6 weeks.
Janie Seiler stated a meeting was held with the Fine Arts committee and the Open Class Home Economics Committee about the fair book. She said many changes are going to occur this year with the fair book related to those departments.
Under old business:
There was a signup sheet for directors to sign up for jobs during the consignment sale discussed. The Consignment Sale is set for Saturday, March 9th, starting at 9am. Items being consigned can be dropped at the fairgrounds Wednesday – Friday of that week between the hours of 9am-5pm.
Under new business:Judi Cronley stated that those purchasing membership tickets in the office this year, will have to give their home address and email address. All fair book changes need to be turned into the office by the end of February. It was noted the District I & II meeting is scheduled in Bowling Green at the Wood County Fairgrounds, Saturday, April 13th at 10am. Please let Judi know by the end of March if you want to attend. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office