June Board Meeting Set

  1. Call to Order
  2. Guests
  3. Correspondence
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Financial Reports
  6. Bills to Approve
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Strategic Planning
    3. Grounds Committee
    4. Camping Committee
    5. Entertainment Committee
    6. Livestock Committees
    7. Rides and Concessions
    8. Junior Fair Board Report
    9. Advertising/Sponsorship/Tech Committees
    10. Other Committees
  8. Old Business:
    1. The Fair Premium Book is available online at www.hardincountyfair.org and in the fair office.
    2. Judges needed for Dogs, Decorative Painting, HS Art, Woodworking, Photography, and Crafts
    3. Hardin Community Foundation awarded a grant for digital at the front entrance of the fairgrounds for $2500.
  9. New Business:
    1. Fair t-shirts are being ordered this month.
    2. Commemorative 2019 Fair Signs of the Fair Premium Cover have been ordered.
    3. Junior Fair entries for the fair can now be entered through the Fair’s website at www.hardincountyfair.org.  All non-livestock and livestock projects have to be entered by Wednesday, July 31st.
    4. Pit wristband workers for Wednesday, Friday and Sunday nights of the fair.
  10. Next regular board meeting is Wednesday, July 3rd at 7 pm in the Fair Office or does it need to be moved up a week (June 26th)?