Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office has announced it’s programming and demonstrations for the 2019 Hardin County Fair. Their fair booth is sponsored and staffed by the Hardin County Sheriff’s Volunteers in Police Service (V.I.P.S.)!
The Sheriff, Chief Deputy Burns and Deputies will frequent the booth and fairgrounds throughout each day and look forward to visiting with fairgoers, according to Chief Deputy Dennis Burns.
3-5pm KidPrint ID cards
11am-noon Meet Sheriff Everhart
1pm Drone demonstration
4-5pm Meet Deputy Bodine & K-9 Cory
All day Driving simulator
2-3pm Meet Sheriff Everhart
All day Driving simulator
All day Project LifeSaver Presentation
6-7pm Meet Sheriff Everhart
3-5pm KidPrint ID CARDS
Noon-1pm Meet Sheriff Everhart