Fair board holds November meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Saturday, November 2, 2019, for their November board meeting.  Nineteen directors were present and fifteen guests were present.

Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Roger Crowe, County Commissioner, stated the appraisal of the fairgrounds has been completed.  The livestock barns are now one livestock complex, valued at $859,000. 

Kolt Buchenroth, Communications Director, stated he’s been in contact with the County Communications office and gave 2 options for the 2020 Fair Premium Book.  The board decided on the full page option.   

Mark Light, 4-H Hardin County Extension Agent, stated the Youth Horse Council has started.

Mark Badertscher, Hardin County Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources, said there will be a Farm Bill Training December 5yh at 6:30pm at Mid-Ohio Co Op.

Brad Murphy, Executive Committee Chairperson, reviewed the executive committee minutes from the 2 meetings held in October.  The board moved to accept the contract recommendations for the Cushman Club wanting to meet May 13-16, 2020.  It was noted a new Executive Committee will be voted on at the December Board Meeting. 

Brad Murphy also gave an update on happenings with the Strategic Plan.  A grant for security cameras has been submitted and a new selection process for Jr. Fair board will be started.

Kelly Buchenroth, Ground’s Chairman, stated winter storage is coming to a close.  There is now only room for vehicles and small boats.  Inventory is also due today. 

Rob Wilson, entertainment chairperson, received verification that harness horse racing will be on Thursday of the 2020 fair. 

There are currently 2 buyers who still need to pay their Jr. Fair Livestock bills, which is holding up the Jr. Fair Livestock Exhibitor checks for 2 kids. 

The Special Board Meeting minutes from a meeting held in October was approved.

Under old business:

The Horseman Grant for $10,000, for the year 2019, was turned in for money to help pay for the painting of the grandstand.  Another Horseman Grant will be submitted for the year 2020 this month. 

Under new business:

There was discussion that the digital sign needs raised and Dan Beale will work this.  The board also requested that “Hardin County Fairground’s” be displayed above the sign.  Judi Cronley will work on getting one designed with the help of Kolt Buchenroth.  The board moved to request next year’s fair be September 8th-13th that request will be submitted to the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture.  The Jr. Fair Affidavit was approved by the board and that report will also be submitted to the Ohio Dept. of Ag.  Judi Cronley asked the board review the Jr. Fair Report that needs submitted to the Ohio Dept. of Ag.  No corrections were made and it will be submitted.  The next board meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office.