Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met on Saturday, November 2nd with Corey Ledley, Acting President, presiding.
Brad Murphy, acting vice president, reported the election results:
It was noted since no one ran for Goshen Twp. Director, any interested agricultural society member will need to submit a letter of interest to the Hardin County Agricultural Society by Friday, November 22nd at 4pm. Interested members will also need to attend the next regular board meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 7pm to express their intentions for the position. The board will then appoint a member of the society for one year.
All directors present were sworn into office by Judi Cronley, notarizer.
With 43 members paid for 2020, the election of officers was held. Kelly Buchenroth and Craig Stump moved to keep Corey Ledley has President and Brad Murphy as Vice President of the society for the next year. Motion passed.
Dan Beale and Paul Ralston moved to keep the regular board meeting date and time the first Wednesday night of each month at 7pm. Motion passed.
Charlie McCullough moved to adjourn the meeting and Andrew Scharf seconded the motion. Motion carried.