Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural society met with President, Corey Ledley presiding. 19 directors along with 15 Hardin County Agricultural Society members present.
The minutes of last year’s annual meeting were read. Charlie McCullough moved they be approved as read. Mark Garmon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Paul Ralston moved to have membership tickets priced at $2.00 each, but a season ticket at $20, also needs to be purchased to purchase a membership ticket. Don Spar seconded the motion. Motion carried. Membership tickets will no longer be a form of gate admission.
Charlie McCullough and Dan Beale moved to have the Director’s pay set at $1. Motion passed.
The annual conflict of interest document for 2019/20 was given to every director and employee to sign.
Brad Murphy, representing the executive committee, proposed a constitution change for those interested in running for a director. The new wording being added to the election section states “Candidates shall attend at least one (1) Board of Director meeting prior to the annual election of directors, and in the same calendar year as their candidacy, to formally declare and describe their interest(s) in seeking a director position. Candidates shall be in good standing with the Society as having complied with all their explicit obligations, while not being subject to any form of sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure; the determination of which shall be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors prior to the annual election. The official ballot shall contain only the names of those candidates who have fulfilled all of the above requirements. Any candidate deemed ineligible for inclusion on the official ballot will be informed of their ineligibility no later than 24 hours before the annual election.” Mark Garmon and Jason Fulton moved to accept the change to the constitution. Motion passed.
Judi Cronley will file an updated copy of the constitution with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Judi also stated that petitions are already available in the secretary office, for any director position up for re-election in the year 2020.
Next year’s annual meeting, with the annual election to be held on the same day from 3-7pm, will be on Nov. 7th, 2020.
Charlie McCullough moved to adjourn and Justin Beale seconded the motion. Motion carried.