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Board holds December Meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, December 4, 2019, for their December board meeting.  Eighteen directors and six guests were present.

Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Mike Comstock, representing the 4th of July Committee, gave a history of the 4th of July Fireworks and then had Matt Jennings, from the Home Run Ball Park Field, talk about his request for the day of the 4th of July.  Their committee would like to have the ball park field as the site for the 4th of July festivities.  The fairgrounds infield would still be the site of letting off the fireworks, but that’s all that would be held at the fairgrounds.  Matt also said his committee is willing to take on the financial responsibilities of the 4th of July.  The board gave them full approval of this request. 

A Christmas card from Liberty Bank was read.

Paul Ralston, Executive Committee member, reviewed the executive committee minutes from their meeting held on November 18th.  The board moved to agree to the bonuses, hourly rates, employee contracts and salary adjustments for employees.  Kelly Buchenroth abstained from the vote.  The board then voted on a new executive committee member, with Paul Ralston’s time expiring on the committee.  Charlie McCullough was voted as the next executive committee member.  The board approved the 2020 budget.  The Conflict of Interest document was approved.  The Code of Conduct document for 2020 was then signed by all board members and employees. 

Kelly Buchenroth, Ground’s Chairman, stated he met with Scott Sprang, from the engineer’s office about repaving the roads on the fairgrounds. 

Craig Stump, chairman of the camping committee, stated there will be a camping committee meeting on Monday, Dec. 9th

There are currently 25 Jr Fair Livestock Exhibitors (20 families), who haven’t cashed their livestock checks from the fair and they are encouraged to cash them by January 9th, 2020, when the 90 days to cash their check is due. 

The Jr Fair Sale Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm followed by the livestock committee meetings at 7:30pm that night.  Information for the fair books will be started at that time.  Changes for the fair book need to be resubmitted by Friday, January 10th

Sherri Beale, Jr. Fair board Advisor, stated letters have been distributed for 1st year members to join the Jr. Fair board.  She is also working on a list that will attending the OFMA Convention in January. 

Jack McBride, representing the marketing, communications and technology committee, read Kolt Buchenroth’s report.  He stated he’s working on a plan to record board meetings.  The fair premium book deadlines were discussed with the first deadline being Friday, January 10th.  He stated there will be two opportunities to review and make further edits if the first deadline is met.  A rate for using secured internet use in the buildings was discussed with no action taken. 

Under old business:

It was noted no one submitted a letter of interest for the Goshen Twp. Director position.  This position will stay vacant at this time.  Directors were asked who would be attending the OFMA convention in January.  Dan Beale stated the digital sign will be raised with a sign stating “Hardin County Fairgrounds” put on top after the first of the year.  This will all be done together, at one time. 

Under new business:

Non Livestock committees were given their sections of the fair book and requested their edits be turned in by Friday, January 10th.  Judi Cronley will sending the Hardin County Agricultural Society Christmas cards this week.  Jack McBride stated new software needs to be purchased, to run the Consignment Sale, so he just wanted to make sure there was going to be another Consignment Sale.  He was given the go ahead to purchase the software.  The next board meeting will be Tuesday, December 17th at 6:00pm at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, reservations need to be submitted to Judi Cronley by Friday, December 13th.  Don Spar and Janie Seiler will be honored at this dinner meeting for their long time service to the board.