Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Tuesday, December 17, 2019, for their January board meeting and Holiday Dinner at the Plaza Inn Restaurant. Eighteen directors and twenty five guests were present.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Brad Murphy and Corey Ledley, on behalf of the Directors, honored Don Spar for his 30 years of service, Janie Seiler for her 33 years of service and Nancy Rickenbacher, for her 1 year of service to the Hardin County Agricultural Society Board.
Brad Murphy stated there are still several directors who haven’t turned in their signed Conflict of Interest documents. Committee assignments for 2020 were distributed. The board approved the 2019 Annual Financial Report. Jack McBride was chosen as the Hardin County Agriculture Society delegate for the OFMA Convention next month. Directors were given their annual salary of $1.00.
Brad stated there are several financial line items that will be tracked more closely in 2020, part of the strategic plan suggestions.
Craig Stump, chairman of the camping committee, stated camping rates for 2020 will stay the same and there was one fair camper who pulled out of their spot early last year and will not be invited back to camp for the 2020 fair.
There are currently eight Jr Fair Livestock Exhibitors (7 families), who haven’t cashed their livestock checks from the fair and they are encouraged to cash them by January 9th, 2020, when the 90 days to cash their check is due.
The board approved the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale Committee Minutes with an amendment to state the shows during the fair are terminal, not partial/terminal. What started this discussion is that this year – all underweight livestock animals will go home after being weighed and will not go through the sale on Saturday of the fair. Another major point of the meeting was from the poultry committee. They are adding a pen of 2 market ducks this year, with no reserve or champion given until there has been 10 pens of ducks for several years in a row. And their specie champions and reserve champions will now be all sold together at the beginning of the poultry section on sale day. The rest of the poultry will be sold together, not specific to chickens, turkeys, etc. Dale Cockerell, chairman of the beef committee, stated steer weigh in is Saturday, December 28th from 9-11am at the fairgrounds. The lamb & goat weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, June 13th and Dairy Beef Feeders will be weighed on Saturday, May 30th.
It was noted a meeting needs scheduled soon to discuss the sponsorship packet for 2020 and go over the advertising budget for 2020.
Under old business:
All fair book sections need returned by January 13th to start the process of updating the fair book in a timely manner. Judi stated Christmas cards have been sent.
Under new business:
The Consignment Sale is scheduled for Saturday, March 14th – starting at 9am. Judi stated the 4th quarter newsletter will be sent at the end of this month. Fair camping letters will be sent in January. Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, expressed his gratitude to the fair board and also to their spouses, etc. for all of their help. Kolt Buchenroth stated the security cameras have arrived, compliments of the PEP grant. He also explained a new opportunity to use MARCS radios during the week of the fair. The board agreed to go forward with the MARCS radios. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, February 5th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office.