Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, February 5, 2020, for their February board meeting. Eighteen directors were present and fifteen guests were.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Candidates running for two of the County Commissioner seats were present to speak to the board. Those candidates were Bob Carder, Fred Rush, Russ Blue and Alan Long.
Mark Light, Hardin County OSU Extension Agent, talked about a new Hardin County 4-H app they are designing.
Mark Badertscher, Hardin County OSU Extension Agent, spoke about having Ractopamine-Free Swine Projects.
Amanda Murphy, Jr. Fair board Advisor, requested the King & Queen Contest be changed from 7pm to 6:30pm. The board agreed to accept this change.
Nancy Rickenbacher, Jr. Fair board Advisor, stated there are still opportunities for people to be a sponsor for trophy’s, stall signs, ribbons, etc. If anyone is interested in being a sponsor they should call the OSU/Hardin County Extension Office at 419-674-2297 and ask for Carol Wagner.
Kenny Kearns asked the board if they were still interested in having a draft horse show during the fair. The board said yes.
Under correspondence an anonymous letter was received and read by Corey Ledley. The board agreed that the question being raised, is being handled correctly with the fair board.
Brad Murphy stated there are still 5 directors that needed to sign their conflict of interest statements. Those were then all received. The Fair Board agreed to keep box seat prices at $500 and the daily gate admission price to $8.00. The board moved to change the open class entry price to $1.00 from $.50. The board voted on a list of nominees for the 2020 fair honoree. Janie and Dick Seiler were then nominated by the board for this honor.
Brad stated that the strategic plan will be reviewed at the next board meeting.
Kelly Buchenroth discussed the Ground’s meeting minutes from January 22nd. The furnace in the shop and beef restroom had to be replaced this past month. The Fair Board Lawn mower will be traded in for a mower from Ritchey Auto Sales. New tables need to be purchased for the Community Building and items from the fairgrounds to be sold at the consignment sale were discussed. The Ground’s Committee Minutes were accepted. The board moved to apply for a Hardin County Community Foundation Grant for beautification to the Community Building.
Craig Stump, chairman of the camping committee, stated camping rent has been coming in with around 90 fair campers still needing to pay. The deadline to pay for your fair camping spot is Friday, Feb. 14th. Emails were sent on January 8th about the camping rents being due on Feb. 14th. One follow-up call will be given to those not paid by Feb. 14th.
The list of grandstand prices for the week of the fair were discussed with a rodeo on Saturday having 7 events, beginning at 6pm with prices at $5.00 for general admission and $10.00 for pit passes. The board accepted all of the rates for the grandstand events. Other free entertainment during the week of the fair was noted as COSI on Saturday, Columbus Zoo on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bear Hollow Wood Carver on Thursday – Saturday, and a petting zoo all week with pig races. A magician is also being discussed that would roam the fairgrounds throughout the week.
Jack McBride discussed a new ODA rule for sheep and goats this year. That rule states that sheep and goats moving in slaughter channels must have an owner/shipper statement with a group/lot identification. The trucker will need to have this statement. There will be no Pullorum testing for poultry this year and the swine committee is working on what to do about having a Paylean-Free Swine exhibit. There will be more information in the near future on the Paylean subject for the 2020 Hardin County Fair. Dale Cockerell stated there were 37 beef steers and 27 dairy steers tagged on December 28th.
Brad Murphy stated ride prices will remain the same as last year with the Fair using Durant Amusements as their ride company.
A list of Jr. Fair Board kids was distributed, with their first meeting being Monday, February 24th.
Kolt Buchenroth went over the new Sponsorship packet that was sent to the public this past week. Minutes from the Advertising/Sponsorship Committee was discussed. A meeting is scheduled with the Kenton Times for Monday, Feb. 10th.
Kolt also discussed the minutes from the tech. committee. It was noted a recording box will be on hand for meetings that it may necessary to use. MARCS radios will not be used for this year’s fair and other radio rentals will be researched.
Under old business:
The Fairground Annual Consignment Sale is scheduled for Saturday, March 14th, starting at 9am. The consignment sale committee is having a conference call with a new program that will be used for the sale. There will be 3 rings used for the sale this year.
Under new business:
The District 1 & 2 Spring Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th at the Wood County Fair Grounds in Bowling Green – starting at 10am. It was noted the 4th of July account has been closed and is now in the hands of the Kenton Little League. Fair whole hog sausage/pork was donated to the organization Bread of Life, ran by the Kenton Full Gospel Church. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, March 4th at 7:00pm in the Fair Office.