Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, September 2, 2020, for their September board meeting. Twenty directors and sixteen guests were present.
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated the commissioners will be having their first Cares Act Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 10th.
Mark Light, 4-H OSU Extension Agent, talked about their new 4-H App that is up and running.
A thank you from Klover Kids Clover Bud 4-H club was read. They thanked the board for all of their hard work to have a JR Fair this year.
A correspondence from Mark Badertscher was read. He stated the Hardin County Fair Carcass Show will be on Friday, September 18th at Jenkin’s Meats and will be a virtual show only. An OSU meat science judge will evaluate the carcasses.
Judi Cronley, Hardin County Ag. Society Treasurer gave a report on refunds, donations, money rolling over to next year’s fair, and COVID expenses. Money refunded for just the fair this year is at $35,973, donations for the fair is at $14,449, money being rolled over to next year’s fair is at $32,544.33 and COVID expenses so far are at $13,024.73. So this year’s fair is already at a loss of $4,068.33, even after the $50,000 from the state was given. The board is hoping that they will receive some of the county’s Cares Act money, to help alleviate COVID expenses.
Kelly Buchenroth, chairperson of the Building & Grounds Committee noted that the new railing for the Community Building has been installed. Barns will be sprayed/disinfected either Thursday or Friday this week. Thanks to the County Engineer’s office and the Hardin County Commissioners some of the fairground roads have been ground and repaved. The new sound system has been installed. Winter storage begins Oct. 1st at $25 a month for vehicles and $10 per linear foot for boats, trailers, campers, RV’s, etc.
Meetings were held this week for each Junior Fair livestock show and there has been great attendance at the meetings. If someone couldn’t attend their meeting, they should stop by the Secretary’s office before Tuesday, Sept. 8th to get their wristbands and back tags.
Nancy Rickenbacher, JR Fair Board Advisor, stated that the Hardin County Community Foundation has granted the JR Fair Board the ability to use their grant money on something else for the Fairgrounds, and they have decided to purchase another picnic table.
The board accepted the Emergency Management Meeting Minutes from August 19th.
Under old business:
Season/Membership ticket combos can still be purchased in the secretary’s office for $22 until Oct. 14th. This ticket will allow someone to run for a director position and vote for directors at the annual election. JR Fair premium money will be mailed shortly after the fair.
Under new business: Petitions for the November Election for fair board directors are due by Friday, Oct. 30th at 4 pm. Up for election this year are Goshen Twp. for a one year term, Blanchard, Cessna, Marion, McDonald, Taylor Creek, and two directors at large positions for 3-year terms. Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions need to have a 2020 membership ticket and needs to come to the Oct. regular board meeting to state your intentions for running. Anyone interested in a petition needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Wednesday, Oct. 14th at 4pm. The board moved to purchase a steer for employees and the 4 hogs for whole hog sausage. The sausage will be sold to directors and then donated to a local charity. The board agreed to only have JR Fair Board kids pass out awards in the show rings this year. The board agreed to have a food vendor event either one or more nights in the near future. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 7th at 7pm.