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Agenda Topics
- Call to Order
- Guests (3-5 minute speaking time allotted)
- This meeting is being held virtually due to COVID-19. To request the link and time to speak, please contact us.
- Correspondence
- Minutes of last meeting
- Financial Reports
- Bills to Approve
- Committee Reports:
- Executive Committee
- Approve 2021 budget
- Vote for Executive Committee member
- Approve Annual Report
- Meeting still needs scheduled to go over contracts, bonuses and rental rates
- Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning meeting needs scheduled for this month
- Grounds Committee
- Winter storage for campers is full, a few small boats can still be taken and a few more vehicles
- Any updates for the hands free restroom upgrades?
- Camping Committee
- Camping letters for paying for the 2021 fair, will be going out at the beginning of January
- Entertainment Committee
- Livestock Committees
- All livestock checks have been mailed
- Sale Committee Meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 6pm – being held virtually
- Livestock Committee Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 7pm – being held virtually
- Beef and Dairy Steer weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, January 2nd from 9-11am at the fairgrounds
- Rides and Concessions
- Junior Fair Board Report
- Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
- Advertising budget needs approved
- Meeting needs scheduled to discuss the sponsorship packet, to go out beginning of February
- Tech. Committee
- Other Committees
- Old Business:
- The District Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 12th at 6pm – at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds in Wapak.
- New Business:
- Christmas Cards will be sent this week
- Our Christmas Holiday Dinner at the Plaza, scheduled for this month has been cancelled.
- Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, January 6th at 7pm.