Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, December 2, 2020, for their December board meeting. Sixteen directors were present (Justin Beale, Dale Cockerell, Craig Decker, Austin Eibling, Jason Fulton, Mark Garmon, Steve Harpster, Corey Ledley, Jack McBride, Charlie McCullough, Jake McFadden, Grant Mizek, Brad Murphy, Paul Ralston, Craig Stump and Rob Wilson). Seven guests were present (Pete Fout, Kolt Buchenroth, Mark Light, Amanda Raines, Roger Crowe, Mark Badertscher, and Jami Dellifield).
Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.
Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated they didn’t get as much money for the CARES Act this last time around, but are still dedicated to helping the fairgrounds out with their hands free restroom upgrades.
Amanda Raines, OSU extension, stated they have received an exemption to hold in person meetings, at a max of 30 people. They hope to hold more Quality Assurance sessions, just a smaller amount of participants at each one.
Another thank you from two JR Fair exhibitors, for having a JR Fair this year, was read.
Jake McFadden and Mark Garmon moved to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Jack McBride and Craig Stump moved to accept the financial report. Motion passed unanimously.
Mark Garmon and Dale Cockerell moved to pay the bills. Motion passed unanimously.
Mark Garmon and Rob Wilson moved to approve the 2021 budget. Motion passed unanimously. The board then voted on a new member to the executive committee. Jack McBride will be taking Dale Cockerell’s position, as he is cycling off of the committee. Craig Stump and Jason Fulton moved to approve the Annual Financial Report of the Hardin County Ag. Society for the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture. Motion passed unanimously. This report will be available for review at All board members and staff were reminded to sign their Code of Conduct for the New Year. The executive committee will be meeting soon to discuss committees, contracts, bonuses and rental rates. A meeting will be scheduled soon for the strategic committee.
It was noted winter storage is almost full, with 5 spots left for cars and 2 spots for boats available. Camper storage is full. Pete Fout, Ground’s Supervisor, stated the touch free items are starting to be installed in the restrooms and he has started to install 8 foot LEDS in buildings.
It was noted that the fair camping letters will be going out soon, with hopes that the 2021 fair will be back to normal.
Rob Wilson stated the grandstand entertainment will be the same as what was scheduled for the 2020 Fair. Brad Murphy stated he will be contacting the on ground’s free entertainment, to make sure they are still on board.
Steve Harpster gave a report on the flooring in the sheep barn. Groundhogs have destroyed the aisles and they need repaired. He proposed a project to fix the problem will cost around $4,000. Jason Fulton and Brad Murphy moved to go ahead with fixing the aisles. Motion passed. The Jr Fair Livestock Sale Committee will be meeting virtually on Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 6pm. Livestock Committees will be meeting at different times, locations and some will be meeting virtually in December. The beef and dairy steer weigh in is scheduled for Saturday, January 2nd from 9-11am at the fairgrounds.
Brad Murphy, chairman of Rides/Concessions, stated contracts will be going out earlier this year. He will also be calling businesses to make sure they are still in business.
Brad Murphy and Jack McBride moved to approve the advertising budget for 2021. Motion passes unanimously. Jake McFadden, chairman of the sponsorship/advertising committee stated the committee will be meeting soon to discuss the sponsorship packet for next year.
Kolt Buchenroth stated he found 5 refurbished laptops for the show works computers, at a price of $1,775. Jason Fulton and Brad Murphy moved to purchase the computers. Motion passed unanimously.
Under old business:
It was noted the District Meeting scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12th in Wapak, has been moved to a virtual meeting on Dec. 16th. The District Queen’s Contest has now been rescheduled for a time in March. The Annual Convention in January has been cancelled. The Fair Board’s Annual Holiday Dinner, scheduled for this month, and has been cancelled as well.
Under new business: It was noted the Ag. Society’s Christmas cards will be mailed soon. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 6th at 7 pm, with the location to be determined at a later date. Mark Garmon moved to adjourn. Seconded by Craig Stump. Motion passed.