An Open Letter to Our Community

Dear friends,

A little over a year ago, we were about 24 hours away from the start of our annual consignment sale when we received word that we would have no choice but to cancel the annual consignment sale. It was a painful foreshadowing of what was to come in our world. But, we’re making strides to return to normal. We successfully — and we believe safely — completed a consignment sale.

We want to thank everyone that put in time to make this happen. The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office ensures your consignments are safe all week long, and makes sure everything gets out the gate with its new owner on sale day. The Kenton-Hardin Health Department continues to be an important partner in keeping our community safe. We appreciate our relationship with the health department. Our very own Hardin County Fair Junior Fair Board works hard to keep everyone fed. You have an important component in this event, and we appreciate all of you. We thank our auctioneers who help us out with so much more than chanting the day of the sale. They help us market and advertise the sale, as well as provide logistics support during the week.

Last and most importantly, thank you to our volunteers. Without them, no one has a sale to consign at or attend. While there are far too many to name, from clerks to cashiers and loading crew to truck drivers, thank you for donating your time, talents, and treasures so we can put on this event. It’s because of all of these components, we can generate funds to put on what continues to be one of the best fairs in the state.

With heartfelt thanks and appreciation,

Hardin County Fair Board