Clarification issued regarding swine pre-registration

The Hardin County Fair is issuing clarification regarding the pre-registration process for swine projects. Each exhibitor may only pre-register four animals this year.

“It requires an investment time and cost to process each animal’s pre-registration,” said Charlie McCullough, Swine Department Superintendent. “Previously, exhibitors have registered an astronomical number of animals. Every other species on the fairgrounds has a limit, and now the swine department will too. This measure will level the playing field and will help reduce cost in the process,” he said.

Pre-registration can be found online at and is due June 5th. Exhibitors may only bring two animals to the fair as usual.

The Hardin County Fair remains ractopamine-free. An affidavit will be required from all exhibitors and their breeders certifying that the animals haven’t ever been fed ractopamine. More information about the Ractopamine-Free Hardin County Fair can be found online at