Board holds October Meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, October 6, 2021, for their October monthly board meeting.  Thirteen directors and seven guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order.

Nathan Weaver stated he will be running for the Goshen Twp. Director.

Jami Dellifield, from OSU Extension, gave an update on the Carcass Show.

Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated they are still working on COVID relief money.

Under correspondence, Thank You cards were read from Cain Sullivan and Wyatt Brown.  A letter about the Carcass Show was read from Mark Badertscher.  There were 2 correspondences about the 2021 Fair read from Steve Holbrook and Robin Hughes.

Brad Murphy, Executive Committee Chairman, discussed giving beef to office staff as a bonus.  The board agreed to give Kolt Buchenroth, Catherine Osborne, Randy Clark and Doris Ralston a ¼ of beef each and then Judi Cronley and Pete Fout would each receive ½ beef. 

It was noted there has been good constructive criticism given for the development of a multi-use facility on the fairgrounds. 

Rob Wilson, Co Superintendent of the grounds committee stated winter indoor storage has begun.  Its $25 a month for vehicles and $10 per linear foot for boats, trailers, campers, RV’s, etc.  Directors were told to start taking inventory of their buildings for insurance purposes.  The board agreed to pay the Hardin Northern and Kenton FFA’s each $150 for helping stack benches after the fair was over.  

Rob Wilson, entertainment chairman, discussed moving drag racing to Thursday night of the fair, allowing Harness Racing to be held on 2 days.  Harness racing would be on Wednesday evening and Thursday afternoon.  The Directors seemed OK with that suggestion.  Everyone was pleased with how well the Rodeo went over this year. 

Jack McBride and Judi Cronley gave an update on the JR Fair Livestock Sale.  It was very successful this year.  Profit showed around $100,000 higher than last year.  Total sales were $453,359.  There were 304 buyers.  Livestock Sale checks will be sent when the majority of buyers have paid, there are still 79 buyers who owe $122,409.  Hopefully kids can start looking for their checks by the end of the month.

Brad Murphy, Concession and Vendor Chairman, stated Durant Amusements is looking at redesigning the Midway with more options available.  It was noted profits from the Grange and Hardin Northern Restaurants have still not been received.

It was noted the Advertising/Sponsorship Committee needs to meet soon and discuss their budget request for the 2022 fair.

Under old business:

Membership $2.00 add-on to Season Tickets can still be purchased until Oct. 15th.  Open Class and Jr Class Premium checks have been mailed to everyone, but JR Fair Livestock exhibitors.  Petitions for the November Election for fair board directors are due by Friday, Oct. 29th at 4pm.  Up for election this year:  Dudley, Goshen, Lynn, Roundhead, Washington Twp.’s and 2 director at large positions.  Also there is still a director needed for Taylor Creek Twp. for a 2 year term.  Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions need to have a 2021 membership ticket.  Anyone interested in a petition needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Wednesday, Oct. 13th at 4pm.  Then the petition needs to be returned by Friday, Oct. 29th at 4pm. 

Under new business:

2022 Fair Dates are being requested to the Ohio Dept. of Ag as Sept. 6th – Sept. 11th.  Matt Jennings was nominated as our 2021 Outstanding Fair Supporter.  He will be honored on Friday, Jan. 7th, 2022 at the Ohio Fair Manager’s Convention in Columbus.  The board agreed to request the 2022 Ohio Fairs Fund Money.  Jack McBride and Brad Murphy were nominated as the Fair board’s delegates at the OFMA Convention.  It was noted the Fair Board currently has 11 directors and staff staying overnight during the convention.  It was noted the Fair Board’s Annual membership meeting and reorganizational meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 6th at 7:30pm in the Community Bldg.  The Annual Fair Board Director Election is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 6th from 3-7pm in the Fair Board Office.  Jack McBride, Grant Mizek, Jake McFadden, Christa Rarey and Dan Beale volunteered to be the judges and clerks for the election.  The Directors have decided to have a fair wrap up meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 20th at 6pm in the Community Bldg. and a review of the Fair Book to be on Wednesday, Oct. 27th at 6pm in the Community Bldg.  Judi Cronley stated the District Meeting is set for Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7pm, at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds.  The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 3rd at 7pm.