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- Call to Order
- Guests (3-5 minute speaking time allotted)
- Correspondence
- Minutes of last meeting
- Financial Reports
- Bills to Approve
- Committee Reports:
- Executive Committee
- Strategic Planning
- Development Committee
- Grounds Committee
- Fire Extinguishers being checked in August.
- Camping Committee
- Fair Campers received letters with the codes for their season tickets and will received wristbands for entry to the fair.
- Entertainment Committee
- Livestock Committees
- Horse shot records are due by Friday, August 5th at 4pm in the Secretary’s office, if horse is coming to fair.
- Rabbit Tattooing is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, 9-11am.
- Rides and Concessions
- Vendor/concession applications are online and you can still apply for a spot.
- Ice opportunity
- Junior Fair Board Report
- Advertising/Sponsorship Committee
- Tech. Committee
- Other Committees
- Fair Premium Book is available online and a limited supply of hard copies are available in the office.
- Old Business
- New Business:
- Hat pins are now in the office.
- Our next monthly Board Meeting is Wednesday, August 31st at 7pm in the Community Building.