Board holds September meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, August 31, 2022, for their September monthly board meeting.  Nineteen directors and twelve guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Andrea Reece, 4-H Educator for area 8, introduced herself to the Fair Board.

Correspondence was read from Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator, about the Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions.  It will be held on Monday, Sept. 19th at Jenkin’s Meats at 6pm.  Directors moved to donate $50 as a sponsor for the Judge.   

A letter was read from Judge Scott Barrett, Hardin County Recovery Court, requesting day passes for individuals that have displayed total compliance with the program requirements for the last 6 weeks.  Directors moved to donate 19-day passes.  

Rob Wilson, representing the Ground’s committee, stated the Sherriff’s Department is getting a skid loader, which be available to the Directors to use.  Tackett Fence has done their fence work.  The grounds and barns were sprayed this week.  A new door was installed on the grange restaurant.  New signs have been installed in the West Parking lot.  Winter storage begins Oct. 1st at the new price of $30 a month for vehicles a nd $15 per linear foot for campers, boat trailers, etc.  New Leaf Landscaping has reworked the landscaping around the Community Building.  Fire extinguishers have been checked throughout the fairgrounds.

Craig Stump, Camping Committee Chairman, stated fair campers can move in starting this Friday – Monday.  Hang tags and wristbands can be picked up the fair office.  Only primitive camping is left to camp this year.  All sites have been rented.  

Brad Murphy, Entertainment Chairman, stated general admission tickets for all grandstand events are still available for purchase online, in the fair office or at the ticket booth – one hour prior to the event.  Pit passes are only being sold at the pit gates on the day of the events for $10.  It was noted the Cheerleading competition being held on Sunday afternoon of the fair, had to be moved from 2pm to 12:30pm, due to such a great response from groups wanting to participate.  

Jake McFadden stated he will be purchasing the wheelbarrows, from the money donated by the County FFA groups.  Jack McBride stated pen tags are ready for the livestock chairmen, I pads are being used for all of the livestock shows.  

Brad Murphy, Concession/Vendor Chairman, stated tents are being put up tomorrow.  Curtains for the Community Building are being put up on Friday.  Coolers that were purchased by the Fair Board are being rented by the commodity groups the week of the fair.  

It was noted there is still 1 sponsorship for the fair that hasn’t paid their invoice yet.   Town banners have been hung in Kenton and Ada discussing the fair.  Directors moved to have the online version of this year’s fair book, as the guideline to go by this year, since there are errors in the hard copy of the fair book.  

It was noted that the 2021/2022 audit will be bid out.

Under old business:

Minutes from the Emergency Management Meeting were approved.  Judi noted she updated the EMS schedule for the week of the fair 3 times!  Directors were reminded that the kiosk from Ohio Division of Wildlife for deer heads will arrive on Monday, Sept. 12th.  

Under new Business:

It was noted the end of Fair Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 21st – issues with how the fair went should be discussed at this meeting.  Open Class display tickets can be picked up in the fair office this Friday, Sept. 2nd and Saturday, Sept. 3rd from 9-5pm, Sunday, Sept. 4th from 12-5pm and Monday, Sept. 5th from 9-6pm.  The Arts/Crafts Building will be put back together on Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 6pm.  The Fair office will be open the week of the fair 9am-9pm Monday – Saturday and Sunday 12noon – 9pm.  One change when purchasing season tickets during the week of the fair will go as follows:  You can purchase a day pass at the gate for $10 for each person in your family and then can go to the fair office to pay an additional $15 for the season pass.  The Fair Office will no longer return money for all the students in your family.  So, the whole idea is purchasing your season ticket either online or purchase one in the fair office before the first day of the fair!  Membership $2.00 add ons to Season tickets can be purchased until Oct. 14th.  JR Fair and Open Class Premium checks can be picked up in the secretary office the week after the fair on Wednesday, Sept. 14th 9-8pm, Thursday, Sept. 15th 4-8pm, Friday, 16th 9-4pm and Saturday, Sept. 17th 9am-12pm.  Then any Wednesday and Friday from 9am-4pm through Friday, Nov. 25th.  All checks need to be cashed by end of November.  Petitions for the November Fair Board Director Election are dure by Friday, Oct. 28th at 4pm.  Up for election this year:  2 director at large positions, Buck Twp., Hale Twp., Jackson Twp., Liberty Twp., and Pleasant Twp. for 3-year terms.  A director is still needed for Taylor Creek Twp – 1 year term and Lynn Twp.  – for a 2-year term.  Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Friday, Oct. 14th at 4pm, then the petition needs to be returned to the Secretary’s office by Friday, Oct. 28th at 4pm.  Just a reminder, if you are interested in running for a position, you need to come to the Oct. Board Meeting to state your intentions for running.  Directors were reminded to let Judi know if they need a hotel room during the 2023 OFMA Convention.  Hotel rooms will be booked during the week of the fair.  New Ohio Department of Agricultural Redbooks were distributed to all directors.  Judi discussed the new changes. Brad announced Ohio Dept. of Ag Director Pelanda will be visiting the fairgrounds on the Friday of the Fair. 

The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th at 7pm in the Community Building.