Board holds July meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, June 12, 2023, for their July monthly board meeting. Twelve directors and four guests were present. Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Hardin County Agricultural Society July Board Meeting

July 12, 2023

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, June 12, 2023, for their July monthly board meeting. Twelve directors and four guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Matt Dyer, from the Ada Food Pantry stated the pantry is looking for meat or money donations. Brad asked the Directors to think of some ideas for him.

Directors agreed to move $23,500 of profit from the Consignment Sale to the Capital Improvement Fund.

Brad noted Judi Cronley, Fair Secretary, is hiring another seasonal part time employee for the fair office.

Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, gave a ground’s committee update. The Fair Workday to paint the interior of the Arts/Crafts Building is set for Saturday, August 5th, starting at 8:30am. One person was given a reminder that their cars need to come out of storage by July 31st. Rob noted a trespasser was caught by the Sheriff’s Dept. for driving on the horse track. Signs have been ordered from Scioto Sign to state no one is to be driving on the horse track that is not authorized.

Judi noted the Cushman Club stated they will be returning next year. Ohio Good Sam had 80 campers last week and they stated they will be back next year, too. New contracts will be made with both groups.

Christa Rarey is working on getting a contract with Shifferly Road Band for the fair and the committee is looking for a DJ for some dances during the fair. The Committee is working on contracts for pit workers and grandstand ticket booth workers. It was noted that the Rodeo information is on the Fair Website. One note is there is a minor’s release form to be filled out from any local kids who want to participate in the rodeo and those kids need to enter for the rodeo by using the call-in entry information. No entries can be taken at the rodeo.

It was noted that all swine coming to the Hardin County Fair have been tagged. Rabbit tattooing is scheduled for Saturday, August 5th from 9-11am. The Hardin County Fair board was informed by the show organizer that, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Taylor’s Way Open Class Horse Show scheduled for Saturday, September 9th of the fair will not be held as planned. However, if any individual/organization is interested in coordinating an open class horse show, for this same day/time and only for the 2023 Hardin County Fair, to please reach out to Board President Brad Murphy via email at

Vendor/Concession applications can still be filled out online at Payment is needed after they are approved. Having pop up tents for concessions was discussed.

It was noted sponsorship money and applications continue to be accepted online through the fair’s website. New Grand Champion Fair sponsors, so far this year are Hensel Ready Mix, Graphic Packaging and RWE Solar Americas.

Directors agreed to get a new lease for a new copier for the Secretary’s Office. This new copier will have a lot more functions.

It was noted the 2023 Hardin County Fair Book is online and can be found at A limited number of hard copies are available in the Secretary’s Office. Directors were informed there will be a shuttle loop with fair benches sitting at various spots throughout the fair. Fairgoers who need a shuttle will go to these designated spots to be picked up. The loop will also go out into the parking lots. The Reverse Raffle committee gave an update to the directors. Fair Directors need to purchase their ticket for the raffle by the next board meeting.

Under old business:

A fair judge is still needed for woodworking. Directors were given an update on the on-ground PA project. Judi noted 50% has been paid for the project. It was noted JR Fair exhibitors need to make their fair entries online until July 31st. Judi noted the 2021 and 2022 audit continues.

Under new Business:

The Emergency Management meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th at 6pm in the Grange Restaurant. This is a mandatory meeting for directors to attend. The Arts/Crafts building will be set up after this meeting for the fair. Jake Burgbacher has agreed to schedule the EMS for the fair. Open Class entries can start to be made on Tuesday, August 1st. Deadline for those entries is Friday, August 25th. If you need assistance with your online Open Class entry, stop by the Fair Office starting Monday, August 7th – when the Fair Office will start to be open from Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Season tickets, day passes, and grandstand tickets can be purchased online and must be done online, even if you need assistance from the Fair Office. Regular Fair workday for the fair with the JR Fair Board is scheduled for Saturday, August 19th, starting at 8:30am. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2nd at 7pm in the Community Building.