Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday: 9AM - 4PM
The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, November 1, 2023, for their November monthly board meeting. Sixteen directors and eight guests were present.
Craig Stump, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order.
Amanda Raines talked about the 4-H Levy that is on the ballot next week. This is a renewal levy. Curt Vanderpool stated his intentions for running for Jackson Twp. Director and Abe Decker stated his intentions for running for a director at large position. This fulfilled one of the requirements for running for a director of the Ag. Society.
Correspondence was read from Mark Badertscher about the Carcass Show and thank you’s from Phyllis Hatcher and Anslie Cockerell. A letter about the last audit was also read.
Jake McFadden talked about a couple constitution wordings that need to be changed at the annual meeting. It was noted that the 2024 budget meeting needs to be set for the beginning of November to discuss contracts, bonuses, rental rates, and committee members. A new executive committee will also be voted on at the December Board Meeting. Coming off the committee is Corey Ledley and Jake McFadden. The constitution and by-laws will be emailed to all board members for them to review before the annual meeting.
It was noted there are only a couple more indoor storage spots left for campers. Directors agreed to donate $200 to the Hardin Northern FFA group for helping stack benches after the fair. Randy Clark stated all winterizing has been done. It was noted that the two new refrigerators/freezers are now in the Community Building. Judi Cronley stated she needs everyone’s inventory sheets as soon as possible.
Directors accepted the new camping contracts for the Ohio Good Sam and Cushman Club events for 2024.
Rob Wilson, Entertainment Chairman, gave an entertainment committee report. Directors accepted the Entertainment Committee’s report. There will be a classic country concert on Saturday night of the fair, with a couple local bands opening. Interested bands should send a demo to Brad Murphy also talked about his ideas for free entertainment. The board gave him approval to research his ideas.
Jack McBride stated the livestock sale ended at $586,865. The premium sale was around $453,000 and the other ½ was made in add-ons. The market value from the sale was around $133,000. It was noted there is a JR Fair Livestock Sale Committee Meeting set for Wednesday, November 15th at 6pm in the Community Building. Judi noted livestock sale checks can still be picked up on Saturday, Nov. 4th from 3-6pm or Wednesday and Friday’s starting Nov. 1st until Friday, Nov. 17th from 9-4pm. All checks need to be cashed by Nov. 30th, 2023. There are only around 65 out of 246 checks that still need to be picked up.
Amanda Raines stated applications are now being accepted for the JR Fair Board. Their hope is to have the board set in December, so some of them can attend the OFMA convention in January.
It was noted the advertising/sponsorship committee needs to meet this month to present their requested budget to the executive committee.
Jake McFadden made an announcement that Quest Federal Credit Union is sponsoring the new on ground’s internet which will be installed with fiber. Which totals around $20,000. Kolt Buchenroth did a slide presentation on the fair survey results.
Rob Wilson gave an update on the Fair’s Reverse Raffle. He needs more directors to sell tickets and needs donations/door prizes.
JR Fair and Open Class premium money can still be picked up on Wednesday and Friday’s 9-4pm until Friday, November 17th. The Annual Fair Director Election is this Saturday from 3-7pm in the Fair Office. Running For Buck Twp. is Tyler Overly, McDonald Twp. is Dan Beale, Marion Twp. is Craig Decker, Cessna Twp. is Jack McBride, Jackson Twp. is Curt Vanderpool and Blanchard Twp. is Rob Wilson. There are 3 people running for 2 Director at Large Positions and they are Abe Decker, Charlie McCullough and Grant Mizek. No petitions were turned in for Taylor Creek or Lynn Twp’s. The annual Re-organizational and Annual Meetings of the Ag. Society is this Saturday, Nove. 4th at 7:30pm in the community Building. All current Ag. Society members are encouraged to attend. Judi made the final list for directors wanting to attend the OFMA convention for at least one day.
Judi asked who wanted to attend the Fall District Meeting on Thursday, November 8th – at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th at 7pm in the Community Building