Fair board holds April meeting

The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, for their April monthly board meeting.

Sixteen directors and nine guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Brad introduced the guests. Bruce Cahill expressed his displeasure with the Consignment Sale and how it was run. Ray Petty, representing the Veterans of Hardin County, expressed their interest in having a booth for one day during the fair (Tuesday – Veterans Day). The board gave them the option of using the Shelter House for the day on Tuesday, just like Senior Citizens use the Shelter House on Friday of the fair. He seemed pleased with that idea.

A thank you from Amy Kohl, Kenton City Schools, was read with a donation being given for using tables and chairs for their testing day. An invitation to the Kenton FFA Banquet was read. A letter from PEP was read, stating the Ag. Society received a $1,000 grant for safety.

Directors approved the annual 990 IRS Report.

Sherri Beale gave the JR Fairboard report. She stated they are looking for speakers for their meetings. Their next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 28th at 6pm.

Jake McFadden & Brad Murphy, presented the executive committee meeting minutes. They stated they will be updating the Strategic plan this month, after firm numbers are decided for the new buildings. Some Consignment Sale issues were discussed. One being a bounced check being received and a golf cart that was purchased. More details on the Eclipse Day and weekend were discussed. Brad discussed with directors a plan to possibly move some departments from one building to another.

It was noted indoor storage items – campers, boats and trailers will be pulled out of storage and picked up on Saturday, April 13th. Those renters have received notices of this date. A cracked sewer line in the caretaker’s house was approved to be fixed. Randy Clark stated the beef restroom has been updated, with painting still needed. Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman, stated the East and West steps of the grandstand will be repaired thanks to the Hardin County Commissioners, who are paying for the $27,000 in work needed. The fairgrounds has inherited 4 storage units from the Sheriff’s Dept. The portable stage will start to be disassembled, to be used as scrap/salvage.

New Fair Campers will be called this week for 11 vacant spots. There are currently 35 paid reservations for camping during the solar eclipse, with that number as each day gets closer.

An announcement will be made on April 22nd on who the Saturday entertainers will be. Tickets will go on sale (online) Friday, April 26th. It was noted a children’s Face Painter for the fair needs secured. The committee is looking for a speaker for Hour of Inspiration.

Jack McBride and Brad Murphy will be discussing a fair veterinarian contract with Diamond M Vet Clinic.

Brad Murphy, Rides/Concession’s Chairman, stated applications are now being accepted online.

Jake McFadden, Advertising/Sponsorship Chairman, stated the sponsorship campaign continues and award Sponsorship money is now being collected.

It was noted radios have been programmed to use during the Solar Eclipse weekend and day.

Under old business:

The fair book is in its final revision state, no changes can be made to it after April 15th. An update on final numbers for the Consignment Sale was given. With profit being lower than ever, but items being consigned as higher than ever. A Committee meeting will be held soon to discuss new ideas for the Consignment Sale. Brad, Jake and Jack gave an update on the District Meeting they attended. The Ohio Dept. of Agriculture will have updated livestock rules ready by the beginning of June.

Under new Business:

Judi Cronley asked for everyone to start securing their judges for the fair. Box Seat letters for payments will be sent this month. The Kenton City Schools were given the approval to use the fairgrounds as a site for their mobile summer lunch program. The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3rd at 7pm in the Community Bldg.